Who is your character?
Soiprax, Holypriest with disc and shadow OS, gear being gathered for both of them as this is written.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/n ... x/advanced
Who are you?
Hi, im Robert, 23, and from Denmark. Ive had a passion about computergames since i could walk almost, and it remains so today.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
BC - pre-nerf:
Kara/Grull/Matheridon clear
SSC: 5/6
TK: 3/4
MH: 1/5
BC - post nerf:
SSC: 6/6
TK: 4/4
MH: 2/5
BT: 7/10
Cleared all upto lich king hc, including Tribute to insanity (10 man) in totc
SoO: 11/14 pre-6.0 - 14/14 Post 6.0
HM: 6/7M
BRF: 2/10M
Raid Role
As a priest i bring some utility (I believe the strongest in raid - joke )
Lightwell - passive hot on people who dip below 50% hp - can act as a raid healing cooldown, empowering it with a click to use glyph, never been used yet.
Divine Hymn - raidhealing cooldown with a build in 10% healing increase for entire raid.
Leap of Faith (aka lifegrip) extremly usefull on fights like blackhand, when Blackhand uses smash on tank.
In dire need, it can also be used as a single cooldown for dps who needs additional healing via the perk (enhanced leap of faith, increasing next direct heal with 50%). Else i often use it to grip people whos standing in wrong position.
Guardian Spirit - cooldown which saves target from killing blow, and while it is up, increasing healing done to target by 60%, can be glyphed to increase healing by 200% additional, but no longer prevents killing blows.
Besides all this i bring triage healing to the raid, which is keeping peoples health a steady level and making sure i heal as many people as possible at the same time, this is done via; Renew, Cascade, Prayer of mending and circle of healing. And to an extend Prayer of healing (assuming 2 stacks of serendipity).
Keeping up to date on my priest via the forums on mmo-champion and howtopriest.com. Other than that, im closely following the updates from blizzard.
Judging my own performance via logs study, preparing for fights by reading up on howtopriest and other class specific forums.
Your Spec
Desperate Prayer vs Spectral Guise vs Angelic Bulwark;
Guise has its uses on a few encounters, like iron maidens, for penetrating shot, as it completly neglects that ability.
Prayer vs Bulwark; Bulwark can proc when you dont need it to, and doesnt save you from a oneshot, or even from going from 31% -> 0% in one hit. Desperate Prayer is like having an extra healing tonic on a 2 min cooldown.
Body & soul vs Angelic Feather vs Phantasm;
Body and soul is not really an option if your raiding with a discpriest since you would be blocking potential healing from him.
Phantasm is mostly a pvp talent.
This leaves Feather as the best option, also makes you able to be extremly mobile.
Mindbender vs Surge of Light vs Solace;
As a holypriest my job is mostly triage healing, making sure that everybody within the raid is stable, this is achived via keeping renew on as many people as possible, to allow myself to do this safely, mindbender ensures my mana regen. On farm/low healing intensity fights I would change into surge of light for the free flash heal procs. Solace is far behind on mana regen since 6.1 - and even more so once haste exceeds 15%. Mindbender recieves some of my haste, making it hit faster and increasing my regen.
Twist of fate vs Power Infusion vs Divine Insight:
Twist of fate: Default option; Very strong on progress fight as people tends to dip below 35%, if not dps, then tanks. Extra healing power always when needed.
Power Infusion: Strong healing cooldown, also helps with mana management. Used on farm content
Divine Insight: Used on fights that require more burst healing AND people do not go below 35% hp. Can be somewhat random, making it a weaker option on progress against Twist of Fate.
Cascade vs Divine Star vs Halo;
Cascade being default, but Halo a close contender while the bug of cascade remains, that it still can hit pets and minions, making it about 20% of all hits goes on the pets. Halo require more excat positioning to utility its healing power, and got a longer cooldown.
Divine Star only if entire raid is closely stacked, and even so its often the weaker choice, only taken in conjunction with Surge of Light, since it got 2 chances to proc surge pr cast of star (one chance each way). Another reason for it being a weaker choice, is the aoe cap applied to that and the other 2 talents, star is already weak compared to that, it becomes even weaker.
Clarity of Purpose vs Words of mending vs Saving grace:
Saving Grace - 5 man dungeon talent, the healing reduction is never worth it.
Words of mending: Default option, specially with T17 2 set, increasing the amount of prayer of mending jumps by 4, making it 9 jumps. This also makes the Divine Insight talent alot stronger.
Clarity of Purpose: Only usefull on closely stacked fights such as Grull and oregorger, and even then, depending alot on the healing setup, since renew will very often be the stronger choice. Clarity replacing Prayer of Healing, while require that peoples health is lower than 40% to make it stronger than Prayer of Healing.
Rotation as far as it goes for a healer:
Keeping prayer of mending on cooldown, using it on someone whos about to take damage, very often the tanks, depending on their distance to either melee or ranged group.
Circle of healing on cooldown if more than 4 people need healing and is within 30 yd of eachother.
Cascade 2-3 seconds before raidwide damage incomming, as it take upto 7 seconds for it to reach full potential.
Casting mindbender on cooldown for maximum mana return.
Red - used in low periods of raid damage to add some extra DPS on boss
Yellow - used for more single target healing focussed phases, like operator thogar before man at arms comes out.
Blue - the default option for me, to keep triage healing at highest possible option.
Circle of Healing: Increase the amount of target hits by my circle of healing spell, although its mana increases by a huge amount, and would drop this glyph if mana issues occur.
Renew: Mandatory for holy priests, as it increases the amount of healing pr tick by renew at the cost of 1 extra tick, which in most cases would overheal.
Deep Wells: Increase the amount of charges of lightwell by 2. Would change this glyph depending on the encounter with glyph of binding heal (hit a third target)
This is the default glyph setup. For smaller raid sizes i would change deep wells for binding heal to focus more on spothealing.
Never used, but can be used; Glyph of lightwell, to make it clickable but heal for 50% more. Acts like a cooldown, and should be used as such. Although people never click it, so its not worth using unless your 100% sure they will be.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Perfectly fine using offspecs when fight or raidsetup requires me to do so. That said, im loving my holy spec and wouldnt change that as main. As im transfering over, i dont have any alts here for mythic raiding. I do have a feral 660 back on Nagrand
I dont have any issues being vocal on TS/Vent/Mumble at all. I prefer it to writing specially in raid. Im checking forums atleast once a day if not 3-4 times per day, for social ramble or serious raiding discussions etc.
Combat Logs
Your UI
Guild History
Heretic as being the most recent one. Was healing officer from end of SoO till current time. Leaving due to alot of raiders leaving, and making mythic raiding impossible. Server transfering off Nagrand to find a bigger and better raid community.
Mid wotlk, i had my own guild, which managed to get server top 3 - 10 man raiding, lasted for 1 year untill people got burned out including myself.
Raid availability
Yes shouldnt be any problem, other than a few hickups here and there due to real life, but nothing planned on those nights.
Vimali, currently trial with you.
About you
Im a very chatty and social person, half the reason i play this game is social. Currently im studying to become a concept developer, you can ask me more about that when you get to know me
Besides this i spend time running, biking, just generally being active.
Thanks for reading my wall of text application. I was told it couldnt be to long
RG1 Holy Priest
RG1 Holy Priest
Last edited by Soiprax on 07 Apr 2015, 18:18, edited 1 time in total.
- Bowick
- Ancient
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Re: RG1 Holy Priest
Hi Soiprax,
Thanks for the beefy application, please give us a little time to review and we'll get back to you asap.
Thanks for the beefy application, please give us a little time to review and we'll get back to you asap.
- Beastaly
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Re: RG1 Holy Priest
Hey Soiprax,
The panda-man has been very busy the last week with eating. Once he's finished his meal he'll get back to you, and hopefully with a better reply than mine. (~2-3 days)
Kind regards,
The panda-man has been very busy the last week with eating. Once he's finished his meal he'll get back to you, and hopefully with a better reply than mine. (~2-3 days)
Kind regards,
- Bowick
- Ancient
- Posts: 3252
- Character name: Bowick
- WoW character race: Pandaren
- WoW character class: Monk
Re: RG1 Holy Priest
We've been updating each other on btag, no problems Beast!
I'm not ALWAYS eat-*nomnomnom....*
I'm not ALWAYS eat-*nomnomnom....*
Re: RG1 Holy Priest
Going to withdraw my app. WIshing you guys all the best in future =)
- Jimmble
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Re: RG1 Holy Priest
<not recruited>