Mpsenai WW/BM monk (raider application)

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Mpsenai WW/BM monk (raider application)

Post by Mpsenpai » 02 Mar 2015, 13:33

Who is your character?
Mpsenpai, Female pandaren, Windwalker main spec, brewmaster offspec monk ... i/advanced

Who are you?
My name is sotirios and I am a 21 year old student in the technological institute of kavala on the subject of electrical engineering

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

I started raiding in MoP. I had full clear on t14 and t 15 and 12/14 hc (pre 6.0 ) in SoO
As for wod I have 6/7 mythic HM and 9/10 HC BRF

Raid Role
[Describe your current role in a raid team, how you prepare for it and how you judge your own performance. Where do you learn new things and keep yourself updated on your class?]
I am a melee dps. I think its preety easy to prepare dor a fight as a melee dps: see what can kill you and counter it, minimize your time away from the boss and dont be afraid to use your cds. And as with all dps classes nmbers are a great factor to your performance both damage done and damage taken.
I keep up with the chages of my class by reading mmo champ forums but , not to sound egotistical, due to my long exp with the class i can understand the changes in playstyle on my own

Your Spec
[Tell us about your rotation priorities (for DPS primarily), stat priorities, important talent and glyph choices, etc. We like to see the insight behind your gear and build choices, and it clarifies things in case Armory shows you in some strange PvP/soloing spec!]
Talents are the essential of the ww since everything that you need to o in the encounter (cleave, single target, A.O.E) is tottaly based on your talents
Tier 1- Tiger's lust. This is basically the movement tier. Whatever you pick is vialble but i personally prefer tiger's lust since it another escape tactic and it gives me a great boost in spped without me sacrificing my rolls
Tier 2 - chi wave. Default choice beacuse of higher damage out of all
Tier 3- Choices Choices Choices...... Power strikes is poo so thats out of the window :P Between ascension and chi brew. This tier is highly connected to your tier 100 talents which I ll mention and explain in a second. Simply puts in cleave/ aoe situation u pick ascension (combined with chi explosion) and in single target chi brew (with serenity)
Tier 4 - Leg sweep. This is the cc tier so the choice doesnt rly have an impact on your dps. I just found leg sweep the most usefull especially in tectus with the stunable adds.
Tier 5- Diffuse magic. Totally fight dependant. Should the fight have some orm of magic dmg (Brackenspore, Twins flames etc) it,s the default choice. But if the encounter has pure physical damage (e.g butcher, tectus ) then dampen harm is amazing and it will save your ass a lot.
Tier 6- Invoke xuen, the white tiger. Totally dependent on the number of adds or bosses that you will be facing. On 5+ targets (like kargaths platform and last phase on tectus) that's preety much the only place where you'll change to Rushing jade wind.
Tier 7- These are the meaning of life. Chi explosion - on 2 or more preety stacked targets this is AMAZING combined with the Storm Earth and fire spell on as many targets as possible (goes up to 3 ) and use 4 chi ton the xplosions for maximum dot dmg and just wreck everything. The only downside to this talent is that if u get it u preety much have to get ascension ascension simply because u need to throw 4+ chie explosion and without the energy regen provided from it its extremely hard. Serenity is the single target talent. Simple to use : store the chi, spam the poo out of blackout kick combined with the additional damge from trinket procs and tigereye brew and u produce a beast of a burst.

Glyph of touch of karma - TOK is one of the best survivability cds in the the game and this glyph makes it even better whilst saving you without having to be in melle range of anything.
Glyph of Floating butterlfy - A must have in raiding. The worst enemy of a mellee is having to stand still and not be able to follow the boss when he's being moved around. This is glyph is a life saver in most occasions and a must have imo in raiding
Glyph of zen meditation - This glyph is just nice to have if you are not using glyph of touch of death (which ill explaing in a sec) and its more of a quality of life glyph and a nice one t have around
Glyph of touch of death - This is a mandatory glyph IF you are on a silge target boss fight i.e with no adds on it (butcher, grull, twin igron and the twins that sound funny on brf :P) cause it helps you a lot by removing the need of storing chi for it

Stat priortity:
Agility > MS> VS> Crit> Haste> Mastery.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
[How comfortable are you switching to your off-spec for a fight/raid if needed?
Do you have any alts that would also be a viable option for raiding with us? (for the case that we love you but can't fit your main in our rosters) Please add Armory links for other characters if so, and tell us to what degree they are/have been played.]
I have only played WW/BM during progression with some mw stuff on farm nights. Although not the best healer i can always swith to it if it helps out the guild.
Yes i have an alt on whch i have raiding experience on, my alt mpslashing ... g/advanced

I also have a prot pally but since i dont know how to play more than 1 spec (prot ) on him i dont think you are very interested on him

[Do you have a microphone and how comfortable are you with using it during encounters if needed? Are you happy to use these forums for discussion of tactics/general scheming, and check back regularly for important information?]
Yes of course I use to be an officer in a 25 man guild so I am preety comfortable using my mic when needed. The forums I believe are a great way for any guild to communicate with their time outside of raids so yeah I am totally fine with useing them as well

Combat Logs ... 49/latest/

Your UI

Guild History
Asylum - they decided to change the raid hours by ccreating 2 teams essentially and i couldnt keep up with any of their raiding schedules
W R A T H- Simply put one of the worst guilds i have ever been a part of, people were rude, raids were sloppy, and the racism was through the roof
Ancient prophecies - A guld called team hc was merging with them for a second 10 man team to prepare for mythic wod, i joined team two and met some of the best ppl in world of warcraft. Although the rl was a jackass and we left on mass.
Nether - I used to be an officer in this guild and this is probably the guild that i am most proud having been a member of, we had very good proggress in soo and wod mythic, thye decided to add an extra progress day which because of my schedule i couldnt attend so I had to leave them

I want to join you guild because of your many years of success in the tiers, it shows a nice and relaxing raiding environment in which i hope to be a part of :). Your raiding hours fit perfectly with mine and last but not least i want to leave the horde cause they are alll ugly scum

Raid availability
Yes of course

I heard about your guild via wow progress. Yes my old guild master from nether araks can vouch for me araks#2298

About you
As mentioned above my name is sotirios and I am from greece. On my free time I like to play wow (duh :P) play the drums and practice kick boxing in which I am hoping to go pro in one day
Just a friendly /wave and i hope to see you all soon in game :D. Oh and before i forget my BT is ascendia#2648 and my e-mail

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Re: Mpsenai WW/BM monk (raider application)

Post by Beastaly » 02 Mar 2015, 16:18

Hello Mpsenai,
Thanks for you application. Please give us some time to review it!

Also, would you be so kind to add a link to your armory?

Kind regards,

Added link.

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Posts: 44
Character name: Mpsenpai
Location: Greece

Re: Mpsenai WW/BM monk (raider application)

Post by Mpsenpai » 03 Mar 2015, 13:26

Hello there and thanks for the fast reply
My armory can be found on the character question section but ill just link it here hope to hear from you again soon :D ... i/advanced

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Character name: Mpsenpai
Location: Greece

Re: Mpsenai WW/BM monk (raider application)

Post by Mpsenpai » 07 Mar 2015, 19:10

Hey and sorry to bother you but you didn't reply to my application for 5 days now. Just want to see if you are looking into it or if you are interested in recruiting me in general. Sorry for being pushy I just thought that i should ask

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Re: Mpsenai WW/BM monk (raider application)

Post by imbajimba » 07 Mar 2015, 19:39

Officers are slacky when it comes to applications, be pushy all you want, I think a reminder every once in a while is good for them (I'm only member)

In regards to your application, could you provide us with your general "rotation", the way you prioritize your spells, in which order they take importance on single/cleave fights etc. etc. You did a very good job explaining the talent choices (even I as a non-monk found that informative), if you could give a similar description of a general rotation, that'd be very nice
Overall though your application looks very well, I'll try to poke the officers for you about your application so you don't have to wait weeks before a proper answer comes your way (I applied here myself not too long ago, know how it feels)
If you have any questions about your application or the guild in general or if you need help of any kind just add me @ imbajimba#2637, I'm available most of the time :)

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Re: Mpsenai WW/BM monk (raider application)

Post by Stukov » 07 Mar 2015, 21:20

Hello MpSenpai,
Sorry for taking our time with reviewing your app. We have several points regarding your application
we would like to discuss with you, preferably on voicechat. Please contact us (the raid group 1 officers)
whenever convenient, so we can have a little chat on mumble about your app.

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Posts: 44
Character name: Mpsenpai
Location: Greece

Re: Mpsenai WW/BM monk (raider application)

Post by Mpsenpai » 08 Mar 2015, 13:36

Hello again
Would be more than happy to answer any of your question if you could just leave me with some contact info

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Re: Mpsenai WW/BM monk (raider application)

Post by Bowick » 11 Mar 2015, 13:59

Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai
