Who is your character?
Dragarol, Restoration Shaman
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... l/advanced
Who are you?
Tobias, 23, Norway
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
Have done normal highmaul except Imperator. I used to raid Wrath, where I cleared Naxxramas when it was current.
Raid Role
I play healer. I come prepared with flasks, pots and tactics.
Your Spec
I find my healing role inbetween druids and pala/priests. Where I have some healing over time effects in my riptides and healing rains, but also some powerfull direct healing when needed.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Off spec is elemental shaman, but not much experience this expansion with it.
I always pay attention to chat and mumble, also active on the forum.
Combat Logs
I unfortunatly dont have any of them.
Your UI
Guild History
Nothing impressive or something worth mentioning.
Raid availability
Ill try to make as much as possible.
I know Leedor, Preeviala, talania and acteonis.