Lilora roar!

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Lilora roar!

Post by Ivoro » 03 Jan 2015, 13:07

Who is your character?
My character is Lilora, 642 enhancement speced shaman ... ora/simple

Who are you?
My name is Alex, im 21 and from London.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I'd like to join RG2, primarily since due to my line of work i cannot always promise to be able to make raids on time / frequently, however, i will try my hardest to make all the RG2 raids and intend on being there.

I have raided during every expansion since vanilla, however my raiding really took a lift during BC when i was taking it more seriously. I was lucky enough to be part a good guild that managed to take down Illadin before the sunwell content was released however it unfortunatly fell about shortly after. I also used to raid alot during Catalysm with this very raid group on my warrior, named Ivoro.

Raid Role
I like to try to keep up to date on my class by using Icyveins and other such sites to get a taste for what i should be trying to aim for and achieve with my class.

Your Spec
The priority i have gone for is haste in order to get Maelstrom weapon procs as often as possible, i feel primal elementalist and liquid magma appears to be the strongest damage outputting talents for me at the moment, as for glyphs i change mine up fairly frequently as i am yet to find a set that i am 100% satisfied with, my major concern is with enhancement shaman your glyphs dont really appear to be straight up damage increasers but more like survival and support mechanics.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I am currently leveling Ivoro up to level 100 (92 at present) and i intend on him being a tank when he's there. I have no worked on a offspec for my shaman as of yet however i am intending on working on both an elemental and resto one. I need to dedicate more time to it however as i am quite inexperienced in both those specs.

I do have a microphone though the quality is not that high however i do intend on getting another better one should i be picked to raid.

Combat Logs
I do not have logs install at present however, i am more than happy to install and post a few LFRs or the like.

Your UI
[Attach a screenshot of your current raiding UI, and if it shows anything unusual (in the UI, not the chat box :p), feel free to explain your choices.]

Guild History
In all honesty, ive been in The Raven Council since the begining of Cata, and i dont really remember the guilds i was part of before then as they were usually small time raiding guilds ran by friends, i did not settle for a server untill cata as every expansion we used to reroll on new servers and start a new guild.

Raid availability
I can make all raiding times under normal circumstances however sometimes i have to work late or stay late at work and this can be under short notice however i should normally have a good idea of this before hand so should be able to let you know.

About you
I'm a very eager person who loves to play well as a team and see team progress and better themselves together. I cant promise i am always 100% serious but that is part of the fun of getting to know me i suppose :P

I am hoping to raid with Belserden as me and him are RL friends and are looking to play together.

Many thanks :)

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Re: Lilora roar!

Post by Yogá » 03 Jan 2015, 18:22


Thank you for your application, please give me some time to read through it.

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Re: Lilora roar!

Post by Yogá » 03 Jan 2015, 18:41

Hi there!
Reading through your application and looking over your armory, I have a couple of questions.

Is it on purpose that you have decided not to include a screenshot of your UI?

About talents, you stated that you get more damage out of Liquid Magma, and while I do agree that it does quite a fair bit of damage, what about storm elemental totem? I know that a couple of us Shamans from RG1 has been experimenting with storm elemental for single target fights, with a fair bit of early success. You also left out the whole 4th tier, which is also quite crucial to dps and fights, in my mind... Can you please explain your choices of talents there?

Last initial question, you stated that you were concerned over the lack of damage improving glyphs for enhancement shamans, and while they are quite rare, I see that you don't currently have the only single target damage increase glyph currently inscribed (Glyph of Frost Shock), was this intentional, or did you just not know about this?

I look forward to reading your answers.

-Yogá, Raid leader of RG2 and Shaman Extraordinaire.

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Re: Lilora roar!

Post by Ivoro » 04 Jan 2015, 17:33

In all honesty, i havnt posted a picture of my UI as i was unsure how to post pictures to a forum, i will look into this and post one ASAP.

I did try storm elemental totem, and while i prefered if for fights where breaking of cc is a danger i found that liquid magma seemed to do better dps for me, but perhaps this was due to more damage over certain length fights or something.

As for tier 4 talents i was using Elemental Mastery for a long while to tie in with Ascendance CD, which seemed to work quite nicely however now i am trying Ancestral Swiftness for the constant 5% haste instead, +popping it for an instant lightning bolt with 4 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon is also fun. As of yet i have not decided which appears to be greater on dps, and in all honesty could do with discussing exactly that with a expirence enhancement shaman.

As for the glyph of frost shock i found that i use frost shock very infrequently in my rotation that perhaps the glyph would not be so viable as survival glyphs such as glyph of feral spirit (More ghost wolf healing) and glyph of capacitor totem (Reduces the time for the stun to go off from 5s to 3s.)

I hope this has helped to clear some vague areas on my original application. :)

Many thanks

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Re: Lilora roar!

Post by Alikh » 05 Jan 2015, 09:37

Easiest is to upload it on and post an url link in the forum. Alternatively you could upload an attachment under the post as well but that has extra restrictions.

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Re: Lilora roar!

Post by Ivoro » 06 Jan 2015, 19:30
