Who is your character?
[Nahaid, Death knight, blood, http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... aid/simple]
Who are you?
[chris brylle, 18, Denmark]
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
[Both RG1 and RG2 but since I am new to raiding RG2 would be fine for me to start out with]
[my only experience with raiding is LFR since i only just joined ravens council before the new expansion came out]
Raid Role
[my role in raid as a tank, i always try to judge hard on what i do myself, but i might overlook some things since i still am inexperienced in raiding ]
Your Spec
[stat priorities are mastery and versatility, my glyph choices is based of the ones who didn't give a negative side effect on top of what it did only positive effect!]
Off-specs and Alternative characters
[I ain't comfortable switching specs since i only really play tank on my death knight, and i don't have another character i can change into since none of them is lvl 100]
[I have a microphone and I have nothing against using it, I wouldn't mind using the forums for discussion of tactics/general scheming, and check back regularly for important information?]
Combat Logs
[I don't use/know what it is]
Your UI
Guild History
[I haven't been in other guild except for lvling reason and i wanted to join the TRC because a friend of mine talked good about it, you know him as coltinesers]
Raid availability
[as I said earlier you can talk with coltinesers about me]
About you
[I'm looking forward to end up raiding with your guys and i always like to help out, or if anyone have a good idea I'm always up for it]