[Raider] Zenrolena, Lvl 90 Protection Warrior

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[Raider] Zenrolena, Lvl 90 Protection Warrior

Post by Zenro45 » 22 Oct 2014, 01:12

Who is your character?

Character Name: Zenrolena
Class: Warrior
Main Spec: Protection
Off Spec: Fury


Who are you?

My name is Jordan, I'm 20 (21 soon) years old from a small island called Jersey. I work as a Digital Executive for a living and as a hobby I design and code websites as well as, working on game projects.


I've been hardcore raiding since Vanilla however, with some breaks here and there (as you do). Recently, I haven't been playing much since I got bored of Siege of Orgrimmar after 4 months of grinding. However, have not yet been able to kill Garrosh on normal due to low DPS in the team. I use to play a discipline priest in hardcore raiding in WOLTK and Cata and previously as a hunter in TBC and Vanilla.

Raid role

My current role is to be an off-tank. To prepare for this, I'll need to make sure I have the correct flasks, buffs, food items ready for me to use before and during battles. I would judge my performance based on whether I keep aggro when it is correct to do so. At the moment, I learn things usually based off others and look up videos, guides and web applications to keep myself up to date. In addition to this, I would make sure to read the patch notes to see whether a certain ability has been nerfed or buffed.

Talent choices

Thok the Bloodthirsty: Double time (Always useful to have 2 charges), Enraged Regeneration (In case I healers can't keep up with healing when tanking add and need emergency healing), Heavy Repercussions (increases the damage against the boss when its my turn to tank), Stormbolt (Pick up add quicker, cooldown less and deals 4x because the adds are immune to stun), Vigilance (Assisting with reduction of damage done to the other tank on overload), Avatar (Increase of damage and to get out of ice blocks in ice stacks phase).

Siegecrafter Blackfuse: Double time (Always useful to have 2 charges), Enraged Regeneration (In case you gain too many stacks and need emergency healing), Heavy Repercussions (increases the damage against the boss in tanking phase), Stormbolt (Pick up add quicker, cooldown less and deals 4x because the adds are immune to stun), Vigilance (Assisting with reduction of damage done to the other tank during tanking phase), Avatar (Increase of damage and because the add and boss is immune to bleed).

Paragons of the Klaxxi: Double time (Always useful to have 2 charges), Enraged Regeneration (In case you need emergency healing), Heavy Repercussions (increases the damage against the boss in tanking phase), Shockwave (Pick up bosses quicker, cooldown less than dragon roar and deals just as much and easier to control), Vigilance (Assisting with reduction of damage done to the other tank when taking on two Klaxxi or is taking heavy damage), Bloodbath (Assisting damage against all bosses).

Garrosh Hellscream: Double time (Always useful to have 2 charges), Enraged Regeneration (In case you need emergency healing), Heavy Repercussions (increases the damage against the boss in tanking phase), Dragon Roar(Pick up adds quicker and pushes back the adds into fire), Vigilance (Assisting with reduction of damage done to the other tank when gaining high stacks), Bloodbath (Assisting damage against all adds and boss).

Off-specs and Alternative characters

I'm not very comfortable with Fury (my offspec), unfortunately. However, I like to play with my secondary character whenever possible too:

Character Name: Zerola
Class: Mage
Main Spec: Arcane
Off Spec: Frost


With this character, I've played Cataclysm hardcore and finished all raids in HC (I believe, its been awhile).

[Do you have a microphone and how comfortable are you with using it during encounters if needed? Are you happy to use these forums for discussion of tactics/general scheming, and check back regularly for important information?]

Yes, I have a microphone which I am comfortable for using during encounters and I avidly check all my forums I follow everyday, so that won't be a problem.


Apologies, but I haven't actually got a log I could present to you since I've been taken a break.

Your UI

At the moment, I only have the standard UI for WoW, due to updates. However, I understand I'll need addons such as Skada/Recount/Omen/Bartender/ect...

Guild History

Invictus was the previous guild I was in, however, I wasn't able to become a full-time raider since their raid teams were full. My main reason to join is really to start playing WoW at attempts on the newer raids coming up in the next expansion and that a friend of mine (Eskwyre) recommended this guild.

Raid availability

Any day after 6pm is fine for me up til whenever, since I like late night raiding.


Eskwyre (Jon) recommended me.

About you

I'm an avid gamer and hobbyist. I play games such as League of Legends and currently working on a MMORPG called Age of Aincrad in my spare time as a Web developer, UI Artist and Programmer. I've played WoW since the original beta (so quiet long) and love to watch Anime.


None, from the top of my head.

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Re: [Raider] Zenrolena, Lvl 90 Protection Warrior

Post by Zarell » 22 Oct 2014, 10:09

Hey Zenrolena

Thank you for the application, let me pass this on to our board of fluffy panda's...

We will keep in touch \o/

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Re: [Raider] Zenrolena, Lvl 90 Protection Warrior

Post by Bowick » 22 Oct 2014, 18:56

Hi Zenrolena,
I've come to give you a heads up, and ask you a question!

- For starters, I'll let you know that we don't currently have a spot for a MS tank in our Mythic group. It's possible there may be a spot for you in our Heroic group, however.

- Secondly, what's your definition of "Hardcore raiding"? You say these very simple words a few times in your app, but it can mean many different things for different people. Did you kill heroic bosses the first week they're released, did you raid 7 days a week? Or did you kill them a few months in, or post-nerfs, etc? Since your MoP raiding has been very limited, you should probably go into more detail about your past raiding history (eg the "Experience" section).

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Re: [Raider] Zenrolena, Lvl 90 Protection Warrior

Post by Zenro45 » 22 Oct 2014, 21:32

Hi there,

I'm fine in any team, as long as I can raid when expected. My definition of hardcore raiding is spending 5+ hours a night at least 5 times a week killing bosses as the top guilds on the servers that I use to play on as their main healer (mostly on my priest). I usually did the bosses post-nerfs specially in WOTLK and Cata. However I've not been a fan of MoP and have almost been casually raiding which got be bored to take a break from WoW.

History wise, the best which I can tell you is that my hardcore days started in Wrath of the Lich King where I use to raid Ulduar, ToC and ICC. At this point, I was invited into being a disc priest for the guild Momento Mori by a character called Angelwork (or something similar) who was the main death knight tank for them. I played a few alt runs with them whenever I wasn't raiding and decided to stay with the guild I was in because I felt more welcome and needed there. Cataclysm I mainly played my Mage on Xavius before it decreased in population with one of the top guilds which I finished Throne of the Four Winds, Bastion of Twilight and got to Neferian post-nerf of which I again took a break from WoW due to exams coming for my A-level qualifications. Usually, we'd raid every night for two weeks when a new raid came out.

Although, I may seem to have a rather vague memory due to so much has happened in 8 years so its kind of a bit blurry, as you could imagine.

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Re: [Raider] Zenrolena, Lvl 90 Protection Warrior

Post by Yogá » 24 Oct 2014, 18:03

Raid leader for RG2 here!
Since we currently don't have space for a MT in RG1, and also your gear fits much better for RG2s standards, we'll have to trial you for our RG2.
I'm prepared to give you a trial, although there's a couple of questions I want to ask you first, so if you can contact Yogá ingame, or add my battletag Yoggles#2502, so we can have a chat, that would be great!

- Yogá

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Re: [Raider] Zenrolena, Lvl 90 Protection Warrior

Post by Jimmble » 30 Oct 2014, 10:27

