Who is your character?
Lucifra - Warlock (Demonology/Destruction)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... fra/simple
Yunela - Paladin (Retribution/Holy)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... ela/simple
Who are you?
Lucifra - Altug Onat, 28
Yunela - Isil Onat, 27
We're a married couple from Turkey.
We're playing since Vanilla.
We were hardcore raiders in Vanilla, TBC and WOTLK when the content was current.
Lucifra prior characters: Resto Druid (Vanilla/TBC) - Mage (WOTLK/MoP) - Death Knight (Cata) - Warlock (Cata/MoP)
Yunela prior characters: Warlock (Vanilla) - Hunter (TBC) - Priest (WOTLK/Cata/MoP)
Raid role
Lucifra-DPS , Yunela-Healer
Preparing with all necessary enchants, gems, flasks etc. and tactics. Performance is mostly judged according to dps/healing meter, ability to follow tactics during the boss fights and survivability. We learn new things and keep ourselves updated according to patch notes, wowhead, noxxic, youtube and in-game journal.
Talent choices
We apply for raiding in Warlords of Draenor, so last four bosses of SoO are not our focus at the moment and we changed our talents/glyphs to try 6.0.2. We were raiding as Destruction and Holy (Priest) with decent and most used talents/glyphs at SoO.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
We are quite comfortable with switching to off-specs for any fight/raid if needed.
Do you have any alts that would also be a viable option for raiding with us?
Larcul-Level 90 Druid (Alt of Lucifra but we are not planning to level with that char. in WoD)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... cul/simple
Luthia-Level 90 Priest (Alt of Yunela but we are not planning to level with that char. in WoD)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... hia/simple
We have microphone, headset and we are comfortable with using them during encounters. We're also happy to use forums for any kind of discussions and check regularly. Since we're a married couple, this follow up will be mostly made by me (Aslesa) but we both will get necessary information.
Combat Logs
We don't have any logs, because we were playing as casual/social in MoP. We have completed all content in LFR/Flex.
Your UI
Since it's a new patch, all our add-ons are disabled at the moment and we are using the default UI. But we are happy to use any add-on/UI to help raiding.
Guild History
The Burning Blade/To Die For (Realm: Talnivarr) in Vanilla/TBC
The Burning Blade was our first true raiding guild and To Die For was a merge guild of The Burning Blade and another guild.
Honorbound (Realm: Kor'gall) in WOTLK
It was a guild created by real life friends in Horde side. We changed realm to play with our RL friends.
Ascension (Realm: Defias Brotherhood) in Cataclysm
We were casual/social players in Cataclysm and this was a RP guild to have some fun. We changed realm to play in a RP server.
The Raven Council (Realm: Defias Brotherhood) in MoP
We wanted to be in a guild with significant raid progress but also with some social side. We continued to play as casual/social in MoP but also joined guild events much as possible.
Raid availability
We can generally make all of the raiding days/times, unless there is something very important in RL.
We are already guild members as social. Master Gnome Jimmble is our most frequent contact in the guild.
About you
We are a married geek couple, cosplayers, tabletop role players.
A cosplay picture from the last event we have joined:
[RG1] Lucifra, Lvl 90 Warlock / Yunela, Lvl 90 Paladin
[RG1] Lucifra, Lvl 90 Warlock / Yunela, Lvl 90 Paladin
Last edited by Agmand on 07 May 2015, 06:01, edited 4 times in total.
- Jimmble
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Re: [Raider] Aslesa, Lvl 90 Mage / Luthia, Lvl 90 Priest
Can you elaborate on this one? Which raids, which difficulty and raid size?Aslesa wrote: We're playing since Vanilla.
We were hardcore raiders in Vanilla, TBC and WOTLK when the content was current.
Re: [Raider] Lucifra, Lvl 90 Warlock / Luthia, Lvl 90 Priest
Vanilla: Molten Core, Onyxia, Blackwing Lair, Zul'Gurub, Ahn'Qiraj, Outdoor Bosses (Emerald Dragons, Doom Lord Kazzak, Highlord Kruul), Naxxramas
We couldn't clear all content in Naxxramas, since it was only there for few months before the expansion. Raid size were 20 and 40.
TBC: Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair, Zul'Aman, Serpentshrine Cavern, Tempest Keep, Hyjal, Outdoor Bosses (Doom Lord Kazzak, Doomwalker), Black Temple
We couldn't clear all content in Black Temple and never had chance to raid in Sunwell when the content was current. Raid size were 10 and 25.
WOTLK (Naxxramas, Malygos, Sartharion, Wintergrasp Raids, Onyxia, Ulduar, Trial of the Crusader, Icecrown Citadel)
We couldn't clear all content in Ulduar and Icecrown Citadel. We also didn't raid to Ruby Sanctum when the content was current. We finished some of them in 10-man and some of them in 25-man. We made heroic raids mostly in 10-man. We also made some achievement runs.
So, our hardcore raiding started with Vanilla, continued with TBC. In WOTLK we played somewhere between normal raiding and hardcore. Our RL guild wasn't the best guild in the realm but we were still raiding almost every day.
We couldn't clear all content in Naxxramas, since it was only there for few months before the expansion. Raid size were 20 and 40.
TBC: Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair, Zul'Aman, Serpentshrine Cavern, Tempest Keep, Hyjal, Outdoor Bosses (Doom Lord Kazzak, Doomwalker), Black Temple
We couldn't clear all content in Black Temple and never had chance to raid in Sunwell when the content was current. Raid size were 10 and 25.
WOTLK (Naxxramas, Malygos, Sartharion, Wintergrasp Raids, Onyxia, Ulduar, Trial of the Crusader, Icecrown Citadel)
We couldn't clear all content in Ulduar and Icecrown Citadel. We also didn't raid to Ruby Sanctum when the content was current. We finished some of them in 10-man and some of them in 25-man. We made heroic raids mostly in 10-man. We also made some achievement runs.
So, our hardcore raiding started with Vanilla, continued with TBC. In WOTLK we played somewhere between normal raiding and hardcore. Our RL guild wasn't the best guild in the realm but we were still raiding almost every day.