[raider] 580 hunter

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[raider] 580 hunter

Post by Godblade » 16 Sep 2014, 20:48

Who is your character?
Nvgodblade 580 SV/BM hunter.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... ade/simple

Who are you?
I'm a 17 year old male Greek (half-english)

started playing and leveling late at 5.3

Raid role
a basic dps hunter made to deal with things like mark of anguish and SC belts.
i mainly used icyveins to learn the basics and now i just ask ppl with more experience for the small details. i am good at staying alive and dealing with mechanics.

Talent choices
tiger/chimera, binding shot, spirit bond, ToTH, and murder of crows as they apprear to be the most useful.
using glyph of animal bond as it's staple and my personal preferences are glyph of disengage and glyph of mirrored blades one for quality of life and the other for jumping out of desecrated weapons.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
no problems with switching to BM but currently my alts are not near raiding level.

i would be happy to check the forums regurarily. I have a microphone but i refrain from using it unless necessary.

http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/3Af ... &source=21

Your UI
DBM, recount, and TMW for trinkets. (unable to post SSs)

Guild History
current guild got stuck on malkorok

Raid availability
i am perfectly ok with the raiding times.

just saw a post in trade chat.

About you
manga and anime fan. violin player. aiming to be a chemist.


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Re: [raider] 580 hunter

Post by Bowick » 17 Sep 2014, 20:02

Thanks for your app!
Please give us a bit of time to review. :)
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

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(Youshi, Ryuushi, Kazearuku)
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Re: [raider] 580 hunter

Post by Youshi » 17 Sep 2014, 23:20

Hello and thank you for your application.

However unfortunately we cannot accept you purely on the basis of a weak application. I appreciate you are very new to the game, so your experience with these scenarios are perhaps somewhat limited.

For good reference just check previous applications. There are social apps with more effort, some people take days writing applications.

You might think "oh well there isn't much i need to say". Perhaps that is true. But the amount of effort is a reflection of yourself. When it comes to recruitment, accepting trialist is a fairly big time investment for both parties. You are essentially advertising yourself, you want the guild you are applying for to feel like you want the trial, that you will work for it.

Tell us more about yourself, you like anime? Lots of the guildies do. Talk about it. Guild history? "Stuck on malkorok" I dont think you understood the question. How many guilds have you been in? What has your relationship been like, why did you leave?

Guilds need to be able to asses your character, because even if you were the greatest player in the world, if your personality is not going to mesh. Then you might not be accepted!


Onto the Huntering! My Armories
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... ana/simple
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... shi/simple
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... /Tuskyana/

As you can see I'm a bit of a hunter maniac. I've been playing since around 3.2 (so I'm not the oldest player around) But i have been "fairly" successful on my class. Completing a lot of heroic instances and high end pvp.

Raid roles as a hunter is fairly simple, but there are things you can talk about, like pets! I mean we have so many! Talk about the buff utilities, the special abilities such as Spirit mend(Spiritbeast), ancient hysteria(Corehound), Combat resurrections (Quillen). The list goes on!

You brought up a method of using deterrence (in regards tot he protectors fight), you could have spoken about more uses of it, how it mitigates damage, when i should be used etc.

Masters call ability, this provides raiders with freedom (useful on malkorok) and other fights.

Distracting shot is very niche but its very strong in the right circumstances to have a taunt on a ranged character, (we have actually have TWO, if you bind growl)



Tier 1
Im a strong believer in crouching tiger being the superior talent, post haste has uses, but not uses that cant be completed with crouching tiger. The reduced cooldown on deterrence is just too strong.

Tier 2
Binding shot is very useful, however some fights intimidation can be used as a more reliable interrupt

Tier 3
Spirit bond is good, however you need to understandhow healing works. If you are often on full health it is essentialy "overhealing", useless basically. And when you do drop health you are typically healed fairly quickly, so the amount of "effective" ticks from this healing will be minscule. It's good for fights were you will be out of healing range, such as SC belts

Aspect of the Iron hawk is typically the strongest talent in most situations, as it is a flat 10% reduction of damage. Which can be thought of as 100% effective healing (it's essentially an absorb).

If you have 600k health you take 50% of your health pool 300k. Healers will top you off in lets say, 3 seconds. That means you get ONE tick from spirit bond which is 18k. However Iron hawk would have absorbed 30k of that damaged, leading in a 12k difference in effective healing/mitigation.

Tier 4
Toth is very sitational, it only prvides a DPS increase on heavily AoE fights (such as Galakras, Shamans and spoils). In most cases Fervor is stronger for SV. And for BM Fire beast is stronger than all of them.

Tier 5
For SV you can choose between AmoC and Blink strikes, there is very little difference between the two. In most cases i would reccomend Blink strikes just becuase it's less buttons to press. For BM Blink Strikes > everything

Tier 6
You didnt even talk about these? But its the same case as the Tier 4. If there is often more than on target up at any time, barrage comes out on top, otherwise Glaive toss all day.


You said you have no problems with switching BM, yet you didnt tailor any of your application to convince me this is the case, I can only assume you are inexperianced with the spec. As you did not mention the itemization changes between the two specs. ITS VERY DIFFERENT.

For secondary stats the weighting goes as:
SV: Crit > Haste > Mastery
BM: Haste > Mastery > Crit


Your logs are weak, all you did was give us evidence that you died to fire. Thats not something you particularly want to show people. Logs are a way for you to show off to us. To show your boss.

I could probably strip your logs apart and find a plethora of problems with the way you are perhaps spending focus wrong, missing globals maybe an incorrect rotation. That is my speculation from he effort you put in to the application.

I dont understand why you cant give print screens either. They tell us a lot of information about the player. How well they keybind, how organised they are.


Like i said, you are new and perhaps too inexperianced for us. I provided you with all this infomration with the intention of helping you. You might not be accepted by us, but hopefully you can take away from this some "constructive" feedback which is only in the most positive intentions.

Use it and perhaps find a guild that is less experianced were you can grow as a player, and perhaps sometime in the near future, apply to a stronger guild with your fancy pants on.

Pleasure, Youshi
