Who is your character?
character name: Kunja
class: Druid
specs: Feral mainspec, can do all other specs as offspec
Armory link: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/shadowsong/Kunja/ (Currently shows the “oops character not available” since the realm merge, but I’ve made a profile on wowhead with all my reforges/gems/enchants/upgrades located here: http://www.wowhead.com/list=3393859/kunja )
Who are you?
Name: Kristof
Age: 24
Location: Belgium
All content done while it was relevant.
Vanilla: main at this point Hunter
Molten Core – full clear
Black wing Lair – all but Nefarion
Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj – all
Temple of Ahn’Qiraj – up to emperors
The Burning Crusade: main at this point Shaman (resto)
Karazhan – full clear
Gruul’s Lair – full clear
Maghteridon’s Lair – full clear
Black Temple – full clear
Hyjal sumnit – full clear
Wrath of the Lich King: main at this point Druid (ulduar & trial of the crusader as boomkin, rest as feral)
Onyxia’s Lair
Eye of eternity
The Osbisdian sanctum -Full including +3d
Tempest keep – all but Kael (killed kael when next tier came out)
Serpentshrine cavern – All but Lady Vashj (killed Vashj when next tier came out)
Ulduar - full clear, including hardmodes and alone in the darkness (10 and 25 man)
Trial of the Crusader – full, with attempts for tribute to insanity (10 and 25 man)
Icecrown Citadel – full clear, normal and heroic on 10 and 25man
The ruby Sanctum – normal and heroic
Cataclysm: still druid as main (Raided as feral, firelands and dragonsoul as tank)
Blackwing Descent – full clear on 25normal and heroic
Bastion of Twilight – full clear on 25normal, all but cho’gal & sinestra on heroic
Throne of the Four winds – full clear on normal & heroic (10man)
Firelands – full clear normal & heroic on 10man
Dragonsoul – full clear normal & heroic on 10man
Mist of Pandaria Still druid as main
Hearth of fear – Full 10man normal
Mogu’shan vaults – Full 10man normal
Terrace of endless spring – full 10man normal
Siege of Orgrimmar – full 10man normal
Raid role
My current role in a raid team would be to maximize my damage output whilst supporting the raidteam with the occasional heals (with my instant cast procs or with a tranquility) and of course get people up as fast as possible with combatres.
Before every raid I always make sure I repair my gear, stock up on pots and flasks for the entire evening and freshen up on bosses that are new (or only have done once) by watching a video and reading tactics again to make sure I don’t mess up any mechanics. After every raid I take a look at the logs to see where I can improve or what went wrong.
I keep updated with my class through a couple of websites, the main one I use is the forums of http://fluiddruid.net/ this combined with the US battle.net druid forum and Icy-veins.
Talent choices
Since there isn’t that big of a need for special talents in normal mode, I did some reading up on heroic versions and came up with these talents/glyphs to pick for the fights
T1: Displacer beast – to quickly get away from a player who gets fixated or to gain some distance when I’m fixated myself.
T2: Cenarion Ward – Extra survivability on a really short cd, to use either on myself or on someone that’s out of range of a healer.
T3: Typhoon – Talent I mainly use, other ones in this row didn’t really change much so stuck with this one.
T4: Force of Nature – Extra damage at the start and to get some extra damage in during the fixate phase
T5: Mighty Bash – same as typhoon usualy one of my default picks for this row, most usefull out of the three incase an add needs to get stunned.
T6: Dream of Cenarius (HoTw if the raid needs an extra tranq as cooldown) - Increased output for healing touches (for either myself or someone in melee that’s low) and increased damage for the time I’m on the boss. Would pick HoTw Instead if the raid would be in need of another cooldown in the form of tranquility.
Dash: Get dash on a shorter cooldown so I could use it more often if fixated
Stampeding Roar: increase the range of it, so I can give people without a speed increase an extra boost while fixated, or to use on the entire raid if they need to reposition to remove traveltime.
Savage roar: Just so I can keep up savage roar without having to spent combo points.
T1: Wild charge – shorten travel time between adds & boss
T2: Ysera’s Gift – my default talent choise for this row
T3: Typhoon – to be able to knock back the mines if they would get to close
T4: Force of Nature – extra damage cooldown, also could be usefull to use on bombs to root them.
T5: Mighty Bash - my default choise of talent for this row
T6: Dream of Cenarius – maximize damage output of bleeds and have stronger heals for my own survivability or to use on someone nearby. Same as with thok if the raid needs an extra cd I’d pick HoTw
Savage Roar
My default major glyphs, shred to ensure during berserk & tigers fury my energy doesn’t get wasted by a slight shift in movement of the boss. Savage roar to ensure I can keep it up without having to spent combo points and lastly Rebirth so that whenever I use a combatres the person doesn’t immediately die to damage
T1: Wild charge – decrease travel time to bosses
T2: Ysera’s gift – default choise again, change to Cenarion ward if I need more survivability
T3: Typhoon – Defaulte choise again
T4: Soul of the forest – to get energy back from finishers, makes switching targets slightly easier
T5: Mighty bash – to be able to stun the bloods
T6: Dream of Cenarius, same reason as previous two bosses, HoTw incase an extra cd is needed.
Same reasoning as with Blackfuse for glyphs
Savage Roar
T1: Wild charge – decrease travel time to boss
T2: Cenarion ward – extra healing for when damage income is predictable (during whirling corruption) to use together with other survival cooldowns to lower the stress on healers
T3: Typhoon – to knock back the adds into the ironstar
T4: Soul of the forest – to get energy back from finishers, makes switching targets slightly easier
T5: Disorientating roar – to help interrupt casts during mindcontrols
T6: Dream of Cenarius, same reason as previous three bosses, HoTw incase an extra cd is needed.
Savage roar – to make sure I can keep savage roar up full time
Stampeding roar – to give it to the entire group during intermissions
Rebirth – same reasoning as above, to make sure the person doesn’t immediately die
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I’m comfortable to play any of the specs for druid, although at this point in time I only have pve gear for feral spec.
I have a number of alts, but their main focus this patch has been PvP so they aren’t really a viable choice right now.
But the alts I have at level 90 are
Monk, Hunter, Warlock, Warrior, Shaman, Death knight and 2 other druids
I have a microphone and I’m fully comfortable with using it during encounters. I’ve always used forums to discuss stuff like tactics etc so I’m happy to use them for this purpose aswell.
http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/ZRjBvDXqzJ6pACH8 13/14 bosses
http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/RahvxABHCN2dKb3T the garrosh kill for the same run as previous log
Your UI
Guild History
Ashen Empire – Left when the guild had a lot of people leave it, so I moved on to find a new raiding place
The hungering Cold – Left when the majority of the 25man roster and the guildmaster stopped playing in mid cataclysm.
Immersion – Social guild I joined to be with some old friends again, left to create TMI with 3 others
TMI – 2 officers quit cause of RL getting too busy, along with a lot of the raiders having a busy life and signing off for WoD. Since we wouldn’t be able to recover from this loss fast enough, me and the other officer decided to stop the story of TMI there.
Raid availability
I can generally make all days listed there, unless something unexpected would pop up. If this would happen I would communicate this as fast as possible.
Heard about the guild by Echoette when she invited me to the altrun on Wednesday
Hopefully she can vouch for me aswell.
About you
Been playing the game for about 10 years now, with some small breaks inbetween. Outside of doing PvE I also highly enjoy the PVP aspect of the game.
Thank you for taking your time to read through all of this, and sorry if it’s a bit on the long side
[Raider] Kunja, Lvl 90 Feral druid
- Jimmble
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Re: [Raider] Kunja, Lvl 90 Feral druid
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- Jimmble
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- recruitment
- Posts: 7473
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Re: [Raider] Kunja, Lvl 90 Feral druid
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Re: [Raider] Kunja, Lvl 90 Feral druid