Who is your character?
[Nahaid, death knight, blood, http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... aid/simple]
Who are you?
[chris brylle, 18, Denmark]
[my raiding skills are very limited, cause i have only been doing heoric dungeons before joining the ravens council, and at the time i played a paladin tank]
Raid role
Talent choices
[Please tell us what talents/important glyphs you chose to run for each of the last four bosses of SoO, and why. We like to see the insight behind your choices, and it clarifies things in case Armory shows you in some strange PvP/soloing spec!]
Off-specs and Alternative characters
[so far I have only trained with blood spec but if someone could teach me the basics of unholy or frost i wouldn't mind changing into that instead]
[I have a microphone and wouldn't mind using it at all doing a raid, as of right now I havent been checking to much on the forum since I have only been social and got my news about whats happening on WOW ]
[I dont have any logs since I'm new but I would be willing to learn how they work]
Your UI
[http://i.imgur.com/91yDQdE.jpg. as of right now i dont have any addons since i haven't been in need of them up until now but i wouldn't mind getting some if i got told which one you guys use]
Guild History
[I have been in other guild but only for getting the perks this is the first time I'm doing something like a raid or anything at all really with a guild. i don't even remember the names of them]
Raid availability
[there shouldn't be any problems in being there on any of the raidings days as of right now]
About you
[well nothing much to say, I like to talk and I'm looking forward to begin raiding with the guild and hopefully i can end up at Rg1 in Warlord of draenor]
[nothing else ]
[Rg2] Nahaid Blood Death knight
- Bowick
- Ancient
- Posts: 3252
- Character name: Bowick
- WoW character race: Pandaren
- WoW character class: Monk
Re: [Rg2] Nahaid Blood Death knight
Hi Nahaid, I'm not in RG2 so it ain't my call - but in the mean time I'd personally suggest you join some LFR followed by Flex difficulty raids before joining Normal mode Siege of Orgrimmar. You'll do much better in there with a little bit of gear and experience under your belt.
- Beastaly
- Ancient
- Posts: 1298
- Character name: Beastaly
- WoW character race: Blood Elf
- WoW character class: Death Knight
- Contact:
Re: [Rg2] Nahaid Blood Death knight
Hello! RG2 is most likely going to have thier own edition of the raider application. Poke Killahkeezy in-game for more information.
- Jimmble
- Councillor
- recruitment
- Posts: 7473
- Character name: Jimmble
- Location: under your bed
- Specialization: recruitment
- Contact:
Re: [Rg2] Nahaid Blood Death knight
or just bump this thread so they know about you. And go to LFRs!