Konik, Mage 25 12/14 hc xp, 578 ilvl

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Konik, Mage 25 12/14 hc xp, 578 ilvl

Post by Konik » 22 Jun 2014, 12:38

Who is your character?
Frost/arcane/fire Mage.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... nik/simple

Who are you?
my name is Elie (Male :) )
i'm a 25 years old guy from Lebanon (MEA), almost graduate software engineer, and i work as a lead software developer.

i've started raiding in MoP in late 5.1/start of 5.2 i cleared normal and up to 6 or 7 hc ToT pre nerf, i was in a casual guild back then i felt glad to have achieved whatever we did.

in 5.4 i was aiming for better so i left my guild and joined <Dirty Minds> on Twilight's hammer, i progressed with them up to Blackfuse heroic.
In March i had a month-long business trip to Dubai so i had to go inactive for some while only to come back to find my guild turned from 25 man to 10 man.
So i quit and decided to play casually for a while (achievments/pvp),... but not anymore.

Raid role

As a mage, my main role is to deal damage thanks to our great mobility/burst capabilities.
However, being a mage can hold a lot of additional usefulness to the raid group due to the large amount of defensive
we have, we might find ourselves solo-soaking huge amounts of damage that is supposed by encounter design to be soaked by multiple people.

Talent choices{/b]

i would like to note here that i raided all of SoO hc as frost and it yielded some great results.
however i can still play both arcane (almost full gear) and fire (raided ToT as fire, sadly no gear atm).

about my talents:
T1- Mobility, as frost i prefer picking up Blazing speed over anything else it's like an additional blink, it helps going out of *fire* quick/ repositionning during boss fights.
as arcane i'll stick with Ice Floes, very handy when jumping from rune to another, or changing spot since most of arcane abilities are casted/channeled.

T2- defensives, totally depends on the encounter, i usually play with Temporal shield, the 15% damage reduction is just sexy and the heal afterwards is very nice and very helpful for healers,
however on some fight where i might take big spikes of instant damage i might consider going with ice barrier.

T3- utility, while this Tier doesn't affect my pve performance at all, Ring of frost proved to be an excellent talent in some encounters (Mines on Blackfuse).

T4- defensives, i usually play with cold snap (instant heal/double ice block), however in fights where i need to solo soak big amounts of damages i usually go with GI due to the 90% damage reduction.
Cauterize proved to be also very handy in fights like Thok heroic for example, in fights were i'm supposed to be taking huge constant amounts of damage leaving mistakes a little bit less punishing.

T5 - the bomb ! :), frost bomb just no, i play with either nether tempest/Living Bomb, totally depends on the fight.
if it's a single/two/ errr three targets fight i'll stick with Living bomb, if it's an errr three or more target Nether tempest is the way to go.

T6- Mage's worst nightmare, Frost: invocation/incanter's ward, while i rarely/never use incanter's ward it might be viable on some fights, however i prefer playing with invocation.
Arcane: sadly, rune of power is the only viable choice no matter the fight, it's the only spec that provides the passive permanent mana regen along with the spell power increase.

About my glyphs:
i usually play with :
1- Splitting ice, great for cleave fights
2- Icy veins, due to us reaching haste soft cap as frost this is an excellent glyph as it's a flat 20% damage output increase on most of our abilities.
3- (optional)Water elemental, rendering him a bit less dumb also grants him additional hp, while i can still control my pet well, most of the times i just glyph it and pay less attention about where he is !
4- Cone of cold/arcane explosion, can be handy on trash fights/aoe fights
5- Rapid displacement very handy for arcane/fights with a lot of movement/repositioning (Juggernaut comes to mind)

Off-specs and Alternative characters
woops, i should have read the template before hand, anyways as i already mentioned i can play all three specs pretty well, i prefer raiding as frost but i can switch to arcane anytime if needed.

i'll definetly be checking the forums whenever i can,
i also have no problem with voice communication, a microphone is available aswell.

my Logs dating from march and before are sadly expired.
i'll try to log some LFR ( /sight) and link it.

Your UI
this is my current ui,
extracd (for tracking trinket/buff procs) very handy for snapshotting dots
weakauras i have almost everything registered in weakauras (sawblades on blackfuse, debuff on sha etc..) invocation duration, bombs durations.
Mik's scrolling battle text, it looks cool :P
Tidy plates, helps a lot with multi dotting as i can see the duration of my dots on the nameplates.
DBM, a raider's best friend.

on a side note: you might find some weird keybinds in my screenshot like Alt+= or Alt + - etc.. please note that all of those are mapped to a Razer Naga.

Guild History
i started with <DragonBorn> on twilight's hammer late 5.1/early 5.2
i switched to <Mistborn> due to DragonBorn disbanding,
i cleared SoO normal, but the guild was a bit casual so i joined <dirty minds> on twilight's hammer, i left Dirty minds due to them going from 25 to 10 man.

Raid availability
i can attend all raids without a problem.

Sadly, i don't know anyone from the guild,
but i was trying to find a guild on Defias Alliance ! and wowprogress lead me to you.
i'm really aiming to transfer to Defias due to the *kinda* balanced population horde vs alliance.

About you
I'm a very friendly/patient person, and somehow funny, i really enjoy group play and aim to give the best of me to my teammates.

hm, i like strawberries ? :P
looking forward to get accepted !


Re: Konik, Mage 25 12/14 hc xp, 578 ilvl

Post by Konik » 22 Jun 2014, 12:40

woops, i should've added the below to Misc. section:

B.net id:Kon#2273
E-mail: elie.f.fadous@gmail.com

Feel free to add me anytime for in-game chat !

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Re: Konik, Mage 25 12/14 hc xp, 578 ilvl

Post by Jimmble » 22 Jun 2014, 12:46

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

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Re: Konik, Mage 25 12/14 hc xp, 578 ilvl

Post by Bowick » 25 Jun 2014, 09:34

Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai
