[Social] Sardred, LvL 90 Death Knight

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[Social] Sardred, LvL 90 Death Knight

Post by Sardred » 28 Sep 2013, 22:43

Who is your character?
My main character is named Sardred, a level 90 death knight. I've had the character for a fair amount of years and while I do have alts on a casual level, I focus on Sardred.

Who are you?
I'm a 17 year old Norwegian named Anders.

What I like to do varies a bit, but for the last year or so it has primarily been PvE. While PvP is fun and all, I just end up grinding Honor for gear, then doing Arena once a week only to not log on for a week before I do more arena. PvE is more suited for me as it is far more predictable and systematic. I recently started playing again after a few months of hiatus, so I haven't gone into raiding just yet. Most recently I've been levelling a few alts on a casual level, my main focus right now is a Warlock named Kardran (in case you want to contact me ingame and I'm not on my main).

Guild history
I transferred from The Venture Co. a year or two ago, and ever since I haven't really settled for a specific guild. I used to be big into roleplaying, and that varies a lot from realm to realm whether you need a guild or not to participate. I wouldn't say I've been in anything nameworthy, I've just accepted whatever level 25 invite thrown my way for the perks. Now I'm looking to find something more permanent, and The Raven Council sounds really nice for that.

I'm fairly sure I don't know anybody in the guild, but you never know. I spotted the guild in the Guild Finder (terrible feature by the way) and the fact that you have to apply appeals to me because that means the guild has a higher threshhold for membership. Since then I've soaked up whatever information I could find on the website/forums to see if it would be something I would want to apply for.

About you
I may have spread this out throughout the application, sorry about that. I tend to go off on tangents. While I do realize that age is an issue for some, I'd like to think I'm mature enough for the guild. I've played WoW since vanilla and while I was a massive noob up until Wotlk, I've been around to do most of what there is to do.

I could talk about gnomes for ages. I can't play one myself because I really dislike how armor textures are compressed to fit on a gnome, but they are loveable little things. There is a severe lack of gnomes, really. Monks are available to 11 out of 13 races, and nearly all of them are pandaren as opposed to -awesome- monk gnomes. Who would pass on that?

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Re: [Social] Sardred, LvL 90 Death Knight

Post by Stukov » 29 Sep 2013, 02:09

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

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Re: [Social] Sardred, LvL 90 Death Knight

Post by Jimmble » 30 Sep 2013, 19:21

Your application has been accepted, please whisper an officer for a /ginvite.

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Re: [Social] Sardred, LvL 90 Death Knight

Post by Jimmble » 27 Feb 2014, 13:07

