[Raider] Lombione, lvl 90 Restoration Druid

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[Raider] Lombione, lvl 90 Restoration Druid

Post by Lombione » 25 Feb 2014, 13:26

Who is your character?
My character is Lombione, lvl 90 restoration druid. Newly dinged so still gearing, armory link might not be so relevant :)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... one/simple

Who are you?
My name is Max Herngren Derpich and im 17 years old (turning 18 in April of this year). I live in Stockholm, Sweden and i’m currently studying!

Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
Really i could see myself fit in either one but if i need a preference i would say Group 2 since i don’t want to let anyone down and would not consider myself the greatest of pros when it comes to resto healing since i have not played a resto druid for the longest of time. However i’m always willing to learn and progress as an individual player.

Raid role
I try to prepare as best i can by reading up on the fight and watching several different guides on Youtube. I never want to walk into a raid and not know the fight im about to play. I make sure to bring enough flasks and try to bring the food necessary. I also (ofc) enchant and gem all my gear before raiding. I often ask around if i see someone better than me in the raid and i also try to stay up to date on my class and spec by watching guides and reading on sites like Icy veins. I'm always of the opinion that i’m not perfect and i always tro ty learn more. In my mind there is only constructive criticism.

I started playing in Vanilla but did not start raiding until Trial of the Crusader in Wotlk. At the time i raided normal modes as a DK dps and with the same guild i cleared ICC on normal at the time the content was relevant. At the beginning of Cataclysm the guild started to fall apart and eventually it didn’t work out. At the time i started tanking on the same DK and i joined the guild Vision of Excellence and tanked for a short while there. I cleared the first raids of Cataclysm there while it was current content and after that the guild that i had played with during Wotlk was reforming and i went off to join them. I played with them as both a Dk and a Paladin tank until the end of Cataclysm. At the start of Mop i rolled a Warrior tank and played with the guild (now called Procopius) on Shattered Hand and cleared SoO flex until the twin shaman fight. At that time i felt i had to leave the guild due to the way the guild master treated us members. I have started to lvl my old resto druid Lombione and my friend Duress recommended The Raven Council as a positive and supportive raiding community. In terms of resto druid experience, it’s not that big. I want to give healing a real shot and resto seems really interesting from what i have experienced with playing 5-mans.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
The druid is my main even though it is fairly newly dinged. My offspec i Balance but im not overly comfortable with playing it. I have not read overly much on the balance spec and would not be comfortable switching to it mid-raid as of now, i’ve always been a one-spec kind of guy :/. I have a protection Warrior on Shattered Hand (horde) and would be comfortable moving it here when i have the money. I would also be comfortable playing it once it is properly geared!

I have a microphone and i’m very comfortable using it! To me voice-chat is one of the best parts of being in a good and sociable guild!

World of Logs stuff
Not really familiar with World of Logs :/

Guild History
I have mainly been in a friends and family raiding guild now named Procopius on shattered hand. Over the years it had been named both Soulbound and Damnati. Over the years it has fallen apart two times. During on of these gaps where i had no one to play with i was (briefly) in the guild Vision of Excellence. What made me move the Friends and family guild reforming and honestly i think i really was not good enough (at the time) for Vision of Excellence. I left the guild Procopius due to a problem with the guild master who started a ridiculous argument with a close family member. I didn’t feel the mood was good in the guild and everything just felt weird. Im a good friend of Duress and he recommended this guild since i was looking for a nice and supportive raiding guild!

Raid availability
I would have to make some changes IRL but nothing dramatic, If i know i can’t make a raid i always inform the RL way ahead of time!

Duress (retri paladin raider) recommended this guild and i’m sure he can recommend me! I’ve known him since i was about 11 years old IRL!

About you
Well as said before im Max, 17 years and live in Stockholm, Sweden. I have Girlfriend that i've been with for three years and at the time i'm studying Gamedesign. I’m quite sociable and i enjoy the company of other sociable people. I’m a big RP:er and i play the swedish version of DnD every weekend (even though im not that big of an RP:er in Wow)! I’m always looking to learn and to improve. Im a very dedicated person and when i commit to say i raid i make sure i to the best i possibly can in the raid.

Thanks for taking the time to read through my application! I hope that you will find me acceptable and that we will see each other online! :D

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Re: [Raider] Lombione, lvl 90 Restoration Druid

Post by Jimmble » 25 Feb 2014, 13:36

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

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Re: [Raider] Lombione, lvl 90 Restoration Druid

Post by Jimmble » 25 Feb 2014, 20:01

