Quote: A man is a man, but a cigar is a smoke.
Who is your character?
Name = Regnet, Class = Druid, MS = Guardian
Armory = http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/l ... net/simple
Who are you?
My name is Oscar Arne, I am 16, soon 17 years old. I live in Norway and I love playing World of Warcraft and being with my friends. I play WoW all the time that I have available, which is, let me think, ALLOT! :) I may be young, but I am clever and a quick learner.
Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
I am applying for RG1.
Raid role
I play the role as a tank, I usually go for the boss if it is a fight with a boss and mobs, but I can do both. I allways bring food, flask and a bright mind to the fight. I learn about my class by checking out other good Guardian druids, reading on forums, and checking the patch notes. I also have a good friend that is in one of the best guilds in the world and whom also plays a Guardian druid. And he teaches me anything that I don't know.
Well, I started playing WoW in late WOTLK/early Cata, but when I started I played PvP with my IRL friends.
So I started playing PvE after Firelands had come out (middle between FL and DS).
Cataclysm Raiding Experience:
7/7 = Normal & Heroic
Dragon Soul:
8/8 = Normal & Heroic
Also did Baradin Hold but wont say that it was any exp.
Mist of Pandaria Raiding Experience:
Mogu Shan Voults:
6/6 = Normal, 1/6 = Heroic (I got the first boss heroic the 2nd week it was possible to kill it, will explain later).
Heart of Fear:
6/6 = Normal, Nothing else.
Terrace of Endless Spring:
4/4 = Normal, Nothing else.
(The reason to why my progress was so bad early in MoP, was because I took a short break from WoW since Christmas until late April after ToT had come out. Then I wanted to come back and try out the new PvE material.)
Throne of Thunder:
12/12 = Normal, 2/12 = Heroic (+ Horridon to 3% and Iron Qon to 15% last phase, also got Tortos to 25%)
(The reason to why my progression in ToT started late was because when I came back after my break I didnt have a guild and before I could do anything else I had to find 1, but after that the progress was pretty good, you can just look at it on wowprogress.com)
I mostly on my druid as a tank and dps/heal as OS. But I do have alts such as my:
Shaman / Alcatrazi - Ravencrest (alliance) lvl 90
Rogue / Aqurate - Ravencrest (alliance) lvl 85
Mage / Chwet - Ravencrest (alliance) lvl
Death Knight / Satanico - Ravencrest (alliance) lvl 85
And some others that I cant remember :S
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have played allot as any other spec as a druid, so no matter what you choose, I will be comfortable playing any OS.
My alts are mentioned in the answer above, atleast some of them :)
I can talk or listen, got a great microphone and an awesome headset followed up by a brand new computer.
World of Logs stuff
Don't have, haven't had any reason to use it as a tank tbh.
Guild History
Guild History:
We Got Oil, Dont Break the CC, Dark Fusion, Sanctum, Herb (without being a member, just raiding for them) = all on Ravencrest, there were some others aswell, but that is a long time ago tbh.
I left my previous guild We got Oil and changed to Dark Fusion. The reason is because I didnt like that the GM/RL allways made excuses about our raiding schedule, and that we allways took more raiding days than we were supposed to. Also I was abit tired of some of the members in the team behaving like morons, being bad when it came to progression and all that kind of stuff. I just want to try something new.
I recently got accepted into Dark Fusion, and tbh the people there are great, but unfortunately I had to go on a vacation (still am actually) and therefore I doubbt that they still want me when I get back since I kinda left just 2/3 weeks after they accepted me. (This wont happen after summer, then I have comed to stay for good. Which means that I am actually applying for when I get back, which will be around mid August or so.)
Because I want to try something new, meet new people, and yeah. That is mostly it I guess. I want to find the right guild for me, and atm, you look like the perfect match for me.
Raid availability
Your raiding schedule suits me absolutely perfect, there might be some events that occur in RL, but not often at all.
I don't know anyone in the guild yet, but I am looking forward to get to know you all. I actually just found you on wowprogress.com.
About you
I am looking for a good, serious, funny guild like myself when I get back to WoW after this summer vacation. I am a joyfull man/boy/whatever you wanna call me, that loves this game so much that no matter what I do, I just cannot stop playing it.
Just to make sure that I mention this:
Atm I am on a summer vacation, that is why I don't have any progress for the time being, and therefore I wish to apply to the guild as a raider for when I get back from vacation, which will be around mid august. So this again means that you will not have to answer this application in a hurry, but I would like an answer by the end of July so that I know I am either welcome or not here.
Other than that I wish you all the best, a great summer and progress to you all and see/talk to you soon (I hope).
Regnet - Druid Guardian
Re: Regnet - Druid Guardian
I would also like to add this video, it was made by myself when we first killed Jin`rokh the breaker on 10 man heroic in my previous guild.
PS: My UI doesn't look that messy anymore, since I have changed it to ElvUi.
Enjoy the movie
PS: My UI doesn't look that messy anymore, since I have changed it to ElvUi.
Enjoy the movie
Re: Regnet - Druid Guardian
As we cannot give you a trial at the moment because you will be away for a couple of weeks, please
contact us once you are back, then we will act depending on the situation.
contact us once you are back, then we will act depending on the situation.
Re: Regnet - Druid Guardian
Ok, I will let you know when I get back from vacation, but can you answer the application meanwhile, pretending that I applied now?
Re: Regnet - Druid Guardian
The application is good, the problem is the situation in RG1 is everchanging and its summer as well.
Re: Regnet - Druid Guardian
I understand, I'll get back to you when I'm back from vacation
- Jimmble
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Re: Regnet - Druid Guardian
Your application has been accepted. Please whisper an officer for a /ginvite.
- Jimmble
- Councillor
- recruitment
- Posts: 7473
- Character name: Jimmble
- Location: under your bed
- Specialization: recruitment
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Re: Regnet - Druid Guardian