[Social] Recca, Level 90 Monk

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[Social] Recca, Level 90 Monk

Post by Recca » 08 May 2013, 01:24

Who is Recca?
Race: Night Elf (Female)
Level: 90
Class: Monk
Specialization: Mistweaver

My current character:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... cca/simple

My old (horde) and currently retired character: (Might faction change it, too much nostalgic value to leave and rot!)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... neg/simple

Who Am I?
My name is Roel, I'm 26 year old male and I'm from the Netherlands.

My Warcraft Interests:
I've always been a PvE type of person. So this is my focus. I'd love to be a raider but working (3) shifts at my current job kind of makes it impossible for me to maintain a steady raiding attendance. So currently I'm questing, completing MoP quests and maxing out factions aswell as doing (alot of) heroics to get some proper gear to be able to join the Raid Finder raids or perhaps come along in some of your raids! ;-)

Guild history
I've only recently returned to World of Warcraft after being inactive for over a year, give or take. I stopped playing halfway Cataclysm and returned to Pandaria about 2 weeks ago. I'd joined, or rather been ninja invited, into a level 25 social leveling guild <Vigilant Aeternus>, I've left the guild after being level 90 for a few days and noticing it doesn't have alot of active level 90 members - I want a guild thats involved and has a bit of a community going where people hang out and do stuff together.

More guild info at the About section below!

I've come across your guild while browsing the guild finder ingame. I was looking for a mature guild that accepts social members with a slight opportunity of seeing some raids now and again.

About you
I'll try and explain a bit of my wow history here, if you want to get to know me in person, well.. Invite me to the guild ;-)

*WARNING* If you can't be bothered with a wall of text please ignore the following:

I started playing WoW in 2005, I initially started playing on Scarshield Legion (RP PvP - Alliance), very quiet server with a solid community though. Started out slow, leveling up a Paladin and joined an RP guild. Spend several months RPing and leveling, when I finally got to level 60. Some friends talked me into trying out raiding with their raid group and that's when it all really started...

I joined up for a few raids and before I knew it I was hooked. Epic battles, 40/20 man groups, killing bosses with efficiency, organisation, tactics and alot of fun. I ventured through Molten Core and Black Wing Lair, beside the 20 man raids (took quite some time though, as we weren't the most hardcore bunch). The Burning Crusade release date was coming near and I wasn't satisfied with the progression I had made raid wise, I wanted to have seen all the content the game had to offer but Naxxramas and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj were too hardcore for the group I was raiding with and pretty much beyond the average skill of the realm. I decided to switch realms..

[The Burning Crusade]
It wasn't untill TBC, that I got really into raiding.. Leveled up my paladin to 70 and decided to migrate off to a more crowded PVE focused realm. I left Scarshield for Silvermoon (PvE - Alliance) and soon found out that paladin healers weren't in high demand, it kind of upset me as I'd put so much time and effort into my character all the years. All my applications as a Paladin healer got declined, so I started leveling up a new character, a (feral) druid. After a week or so I reached level cap and was idling in Ironforge one night (When Ironforge was still the place to hang out!), when I got a whisper from an officer of one of the guilds I had applied to, surprisingly enough he wasn't interested in my paladin, but they were looking for another tank and whether I wanted to be their bear tank. I agreed on the deal and joined them.

The guild was called <Goosfraba> which was a bunch of people that migrated from Nordrassil where they were called <Unit>. I quickly became involved in the guild events and dedicated myself to my new character, Reca Greenleaf the Feral Druid. Very fast I managed to gear up for raids and got my attunements for Serpentshrine and Tempest Keep. The guild was really focussed and dedicated, we raided 6 days a week from 19:00 till 24:00 (Or past if it allowed us to). Before I knew it we had SSC and TK on farm and we got our Hyjal and BT attunement respectively. Then the trouble started, I was running the game on a laptop and Hyjal and BT caused to much FPS drops/lag, I was usually tanking stuff with less than 10 FPS. I managed to pick up some healing bits here and there and when I failed tanking the flames at Illidan (due to massive FPS drops), I applied for a healing role, as a resto druid. Time went on, farming hyjal and bt. Everyone got geared up, some of us with 2 or 3 tier 6 sets, for every spec, so we were glad when Sunwell hit. Sunwell was slightly more hardcore than BT was and it took us several weeks on certain fights to progress. But in the end we managed to kill Kil'Jaeden pre nerf (the week before the nerf patch), ranking us server 5th or 6th. I spend the entire of TBC in <Goosfraba> and had the time of my life, sadly they decided to call it a day by the end of TBC because alot of the member including myself kind of got tired of the hardcore raiding and WoW in general.

[Wrath of the Lich King]
So by the time Wotlk hit the stores, I did buy it and play it. Leveled several characters to level 80, in a more casual manner and joined a friends guild called <Reminiscence>, that was running Naxxramas, which was a treat because I had never done the original Naxxramas. Sadly, Naxx was quite a breeze.. But still beside Malygos and Obsidian Sanctum, we ran it every week. Untill Ulduar got released, things got more interesting again! The elitist that I -was- back then, kind of got annoyed with the slow progression of my friends guild, and getting word of <Goosfraba> trying to ressurect was music to my ears. I quickly joined their ranks to get back to hardcore raiding. Running ulduar 25 and 10 man and fast moving on to heroic Ulduar and Trial of the Champion things kind of started getting 'pointless' to me. I started having other priorities in life and such wow became a strain. I retreated, back to a more casual position in the guild and soon lost touch with the people, kind of fading off to the background. I decided to leave the guild and quit the game alltogether. Just before ICC was released I left the game, only to return in Cataclysm.

I returned half way Cataclysm and was kind of overwhelmed with all the changes to the game. I had reached level 85 and did a couple of heroics, when my old Guild Master from <Reminiscence> and longterm wow friend asked me if I wanted to come play horde with him. I faction / realm changed my druid to Defias Brotherhood, we made a casual guild. Some of his old wow buddies and old guildies joined up and we had a small group going for dungeons / roleplay and whatever we felt like doing. Me and him we're running arena's every week, capping points. Just general casual fun and that was good enough for me at this time. Interest in WoW started fading again, same for him and when SWTOR came out we moved to SWTOR, set up a guild there and started raiding. Managed to clear all content every patch including hard modes, it was great fun. But again boredom hit when running the same content over and over and with no real proper side content like interesting quests / dungeons or dailies we quit playing SWTOR aswell.

[Mists of Pandaria]
Here I am, applying to your guild with my newly created character! I activated a 10 day MoP trial like 3 weeks ago and started leveling a monk. Up untill today I still have no clue why I decided to make an alliance character here on DBH, since all my characters, heirlooms and gold is on horde side. But by the time I realised it, I was already level 10! No turning back now...

Quickly noticed there was large profit to be made from selling materials from gathering profs, and by level 50 I had about 4k gold which I satisfied me and I decided to keep on playing my monk. It was a new and interesting class, that might've helped with keeping me interesting in playing aswell. I kind of found my groove again in World of Warcraft and hit level 90 last week. Ran all the heroics and geared up to Ilvl 450 so far. Enjoying myself in the game but wish to enjoy myself more with likeminded people and do stuff together. You seem like a mature and fun bunch of people, that i'd love to be part of, to share great adventures!

Hope you enjoyed the read and if you couldn't be bothered, no biggie! Hope to see / speak you guys ingame soon. Recca out

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Re: [Social] Recca, Level 90 Monk

Post by Jimmble » 08 May 2013, 01:31

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

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Re: [Social] Recca, Level 90 Monk

Post by Stukov » 08 May 2013, 10:39

