Nebiron's application

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Nebiron's application

Post by Nebiron » 21 Dec 2012, 18:21

Hello Raven Council.
I'm writing this post with the wish of joining this guild.

My character is a lv90 Night Elf Marksmanship Hunter named Nebiron.
This is(and will remain) my main character.

I used to be a member of ''Time is Precious'', a guild that, even being almost dead, I stood loyal to and helped any member that needed help, which, frankly, wasn't hard because I have never seen more than 6 members online. After being a member of this guild for the most of my playing time I had to witness it's ''death''. Now I'm left guild-less. After consulting a friend, he introduced me to his guild, ''The Raven Council''. He promised me a good and active environment, that I'll do my best to fit in. I had many alts in various guilds that where, politely said, groups of immature players that simply wasted their time arguing about vulgar and mindless things. I wish to join ''The Raven Council'' to better my experience in World of Warcraft.

In real life I am a 21 year old student of fine art that tries his best to become a better artist and maybe one day a famous manga artist. I am usually very active in World of Warcraft when I don't have chores or exams.

If accepted, I promise to help other members whenever I can and help keep a pleasant and mature environment.

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Re: Nebiron's application

Post by Jimmble » 21 Dec 2012, 19:04

Thanks for your application. Please give us a bit of time to review it.

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Re: Nebiron's application

Post by Pyx » 22 Dec 2012, 18:54

Hello Nebiron,

We'd love to offer you a new, warm place to call home. Please whisper an officer for a /ginvite!

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Re: Nebiron's application

Post by Stukov » 24 Dec 2012, 00:33

