1. What is your character's name, race, class and level?
The one im applying with is Nezja, Dwarf, Resto Shaman, Level 27.
2. Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?
No this is just an alt but i intend to transfer my Disc Priest which has been my main since the middle of TBC.
Played as a Mage before that but sadly that toon is just gathering dust on another server atm.
I have played some other classes up to 80-85 to, but im not much for alts so i get bored of them fast.
3. Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
Im looking for a friendly guild where i dont have to raid 4 days a week, and you seem to be the right guild for me.
4.Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?
Well i have played with Thuddard a long long time who also have made an apply here,
and he talked to Liv who recommended you guys, so thats how i found you.
5.Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).
My name is Christian and im 35 years old, I live in Sweden in a town called Gothenburg.
I started to play WoW in early vanilla and have played until 8 months ago when i decided to take a break,
and since then i have played some Swtor and Tera but now it´s back to WoW again.
Application - Dwarf Resto Shaman
- Jimmble
- Councillor
- recruitment
- Posts: 7473
- Character name: Jimmble
- Location: under your bed
- Specialization: recruitment
- Contact:
Re: Application - Dwarf Resto Shaman
Thanks for your application. Please give us a bit of time to review it.
Re: Application - Dwarf Resto Shaman
Yay! I hope you get in.
Alts: Malinda, Tovhilda, Zaneta, Sommar.
- Jimmble
- Councillor
- recruitment
- Posts: 7473
- Character name: Jimmble
- Location: under your bed
- Specialization: recruitment
- Contact:
Re: Application - Dwarf Resto Shaman