Lindrae - Night Elf Huntress - Application

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Lindrae - Night Elf Huntress - Application

Post by Lindrae » 19 Jan 2012, 23:43

Hello there!
my name is Francesco, and I'm a 25 years-old guy from Italy; I play Lindrae, level 85 Night Elf Huntress, currently on Defias Brotherhood (been here for 3 years now). I've been meaning to apply to this guild after being in a PuG with you guys and enjoying it very much!

This character is a fresh level 85 meant to replace my old main, a shaman called Naeria, with which I played the first two patches of Cataclysm and all WotLK, and before that all BC but on another server. The main reason why I wanted this change is because I grew tired of healing (and of the shaman in general) and wanted to experience different parts of the game.

I've been playing this game for 5 years, so my WoW story is a bit old and boring :P, so I will sum it up here: started as horde, on Vek'nilash, where I had some friends from university, then moved on Haomarush to follow the same friends. After we graduated, most of us stopped playing, and I had a quite long break aswell. But the longing for this game was too much to handle and after some months I eventually came back! Since I wanted to give some fresh air to my gameplay experience, I went for an RP server and also rerolled from level 1 as Alliance! I brought a couple of real life friends with me on this experience, who are still playing actively on Defias Brotherhood.

I always looked for the community first in this game, so for me a guild with a friendly atmosphere is a must. I've dropped my needs for hardcore raiding since I'm working now, and cannot spend on this game too much time anymore. One of the best guilds I've been into during my WoW-life was "The Reservists" who organized a lot of events (RP, contexts, tournaments, in-game meetings, treasure hunting and so on) and also were pretty good with raiding and PvP. It was very saddening when the GM decided to disband the guild, after a troubled period during which many core members and officers quit the game for various reasons.

So since then I've been on the hunt (see what I did there? :D) for a guild that could provide that gameplay experience for me. On the other hand, you will find in me a very active and proposing member, always trying to make the atmosphere relaxing and enjoyable, and who delves in every aspect of this game (some more than others, for example I consider myself an RP-PvEr first, and then PvPer). My philosophy of this game (and life in general) is "bring the happiness to the people around you and you'll be happy aswell".

That basically is my WoW-story, I hope it was enough to give you an idea of me!

See you soon!

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Re: Lindrae - Night Elf Huntress - Application

Post by Jimmble » 20 Jan 2012, 01:06

Thank you for your application! Please allow us a bit of time to review it. We'll get back to a.s.a.p.

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Posts: 7473
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Re: Lindrae - Night Elf Huntress - Application

Post by Jimmble » 20 Jan 2012, 09:12

Hello there! We've decided to invite you to the guild as initiate, please whisper an officer in-game for an invite.


Re: Lindrae - Night Elf Huntress - Application

Post by Lindrae » 20 Jan 2012, 12:41

Thank you!
I will be online tonight and whisper an officer.

See you in game!

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Posts: 7473
Character name: Jimmble
Location: under your bed
Specialization: recruitment

Re: Lindrae - Night Elf Huntress - Application

Post by Jimmble » 23 Jan 2012, 20:43

