1. My character's name vill probebly be Drago or something on those lines. In the beta i tried some of the classes and liked Commando and will probebely play that class. The race i'm not to sure about but probebly Mirialan or Zabrak.
2. My previus experiences in mmos is mostly wow. But i also played EvE and Rift. In EvE i was a miner and i dident play for long. (dident like the big penalty for dying) and in rift i never got to raid but i enjoyed the instances. In wow i raided casualy and realy enjoyed it (Maind a DK then switched to a warlock).
3 and 4. I heard of Racen council from Verdisil and she recomended that i wold send a application for me to join you in SWTOR. She have talked alot about you and you seeams like the kind of people i could enjoy talking to.
5. Who i am? Well i'm 24 years old and lives in sweden (about 150-200 m from verdisil ) at this time i'm going to the univeristy to become a game developer (coder). My interest is be with friends, gaming, reading and see some movies.
Application for SWTOR
Re: Application for SWTOR
Thank you for your application, give us a few days to review it and we will get back to you.
- (Aliqh)
- Ancient
- Posts: 10887
- Character name: Aliqh
- Location: Netherlands
- WoW character race: Night Elf
- WoW character class: Demon Hunter
- Battle.net character avatar: Aliqh
- Contact:
Re: Application for SWTOR
<recruited for swtor>