Tokushina lvl 15 hunter application

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Tokushina lvl 15 hunter application

Post by Tokushina » 28 Aug 2011, 19:42

Hi there,

I have answered the questions below, and look forward to hearing from you soon.

What is your character's name, race, class and level?
Tokushina is my character and she is a lvl 15 Night-Elf Hunter. She currently has some heirloom gear, so should level up pretty quickly.

Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?
I am looking to possibly switch this character to a main, from my pvp Dk and Rogue. I used to play on a pve server where I have a lvl85 pala (ret/prot).

Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
The Raven Council looks to be an experienced RP guild, that is casual and would help me into the RP style of playing. As I have not played in the RP style before, I would like to find a good guild to help me.

Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?
I saw a character form the Raven Council in the AH in Darnassus, and checked out the guild in the 'guild finder'.

Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).
My name is Chris, and i'm 31 form the UK and work as a lecturer in Media and Film production. Part of my work also allows me to explore second life (which is how I got into WOW). Normally I try and play in the evenings and some weekends when I can.

If there is anything more you would like to know, please feel free to contact me in or out of the game.


Chris (aka Tokushina)

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Re: Tokushina lvl 15 hunter application

Post by Pyx » 28 Aug 2011, 23:21

Thank for your application. We'll get back to you asap!

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Re: Tokushina lvl 15 hunter application

Post by Jimmble » 29 Aug 2011, 09:25

Your application has been approved. I'd like to point out that our guild is not focusing on RP. We are RP friendly though and our members are roleplaying mostly individually. Whisper an officer for an invite if this meets your expectations.

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Re: Tokushina lvl 15 hunter application

Post by Jimmble » 29 Aug 2011, 21:12

<not recruited>
