Frydes applying

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Frydes applying

Post by Frydes » 31 Jul 2011, 17:21

First the questions you prefer I answer, which seems only fair:
What is your character's name, race, class and level?
Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?
Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?
Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).

My character is named Frydes, is a lady dwarf (dont ask me why as I don't know), hunter at lvl 85. She collects pets, combat as well as companions, rocks, artifacts and other useless stuff.
This is my main, but that is because hunters are a lot of fun and very powerful when well played. I have some alts that I deviate to if I want a change. There is a 84 holy priest, 81 paladin tank, a mage somewhere in the 70's and a shammy in the 30's. I would like to bring one or two alts if possible.
I found out about the Raven Counsil in the Find Guild tool. Reason I am guildless is that I was offline for a few months and was kicked out of the old guild I was in for inactivity. Chances are, if work and life demands, I will go offline for a few weeks at the time now and then. If permanent, I will let you know. If not, that too.
I am Koen, a 33 yo freelance Test and Project manager for banking software. I live with my awesome woman in a house in Amsterdam, like to go running, climbing and driving my motorbike (Aprilia RSV Mille). In my life are two daughters (9&10) and one [unknown] in the oven. Another defining feature is that my 2nd toe is longer then my big toe. About WoW, I played since vanilla on several accounts, know my way around the game and the world and like to mess about in the game world with no real goal. Sometimes I go to strange places to get that extra archievement but hey, who doesnt.

Hope to hear from you!

Koen (Frydes, Ardogan, Zebang, Protacius or Mourat)

Posts: 27
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Re: Frydes applying

Post by Frydes » 31 Jul 2011, 17:26

Durrr, completely forgot to mention this is for a social spot mostly. While I can raid, I have no real desire to do so. If online and in need of dps, willing to join in with my awesome 9k dps (no clue if that is a lot or not).

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Re: Frydes applying

Post by Jimmble » 31 Jul 2011, 17:34

Thank you for your application. Please allow us a couple of days to respond!

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Re: Frydes applying

Post by Jimmble » 01 Aug 2011, 10:59

Please whisper an officer ingame for an invite!

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Re: Frydes applying

Post by Jimmble » 02 Aug 2011, 00:04

