Greetings to everyone!
I am interested in joining your guild, and as recommended by your recruitment thread, I will answer your questions:
What is your character's name, race, class and level?
My character is a Night Elf Druid, lvl 85, which you can find on the armory here: ... der/simple
You will notice that I have transferred from Ravenholdt, and the armory does not yet show that I am on Defias.
Also my specs are sometimes a little out of the ordinary as I like to experiment and try things. My motto is "respec early, respec often". This character however has only about 40 days play time, my mage I played for much longer.
Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?
For a long time, since Vanilla in fact, I was a Mage, Elektron, on the Venture Co. server. The character has the title "Scarab Lord" but after getting tired of waiting in queues for DPS, I decided to try out a druid when Cata came out. I love the druid class because they are universal and can do all the different roles: Tank, Healer, Range DPS and Melee DPS.
Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
To be honest I looked in the guild finder and saw you, and liked what I saw. I am also looking for a large guild with all sorts of activities.
Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?
From the guild finder.
Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).
In real life I am a professor of Math and Physics at a school in Warsaw. I enjoy WoW just as a hobby and for fun.
Promise free help with homework in guild chat
Application: Moonglader
- Pyx
- (Anasazi)
- Ancient
- Posts: 4422
- Character name: Anasazi
- Location: Netherlands
- WoW character race: Draenei
- WoW character class: Shaman
Re: Application: Moonglader
Thank you for your application. We'll get back to you asap.
- Pyx
- (Anasazi)
- Ancient
- Posts: 4422
- Character name: Anasazi
- Location: Netherlands
- WoW character race: Draenei
- WoW character class: Shaman
Re: Application: Moonglader
please find an officer for a /ginvite!
- (Aliqh)
- Ancient
- Posts: 10887
- Character name: Aliqh
- Location: Netherlands
- WoW character race: Night Elf
- WoW character class: Demon Hunter
- character avatar: Aliqh
- Contact:
Re: Application: Moonglader