Application: Xevan

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Application: Xevan

Post by Xevan » 08 May 2011, 21:34

Hello, I'm currently the last remaining active member of a guild called Fate. It' been on it's last legs for a while, but only now have we decided to call it a day. My friend Ardaenia has been looking over the past few days for a suitable guild for us to apply for when she suggested The Raven Council.

What is your character's name, race, class and level?

Xevan, Worgen, Fury Warrior, Level 85

Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?

This is my main character, although I also have a Rogue, Paladin and Priest. All have had numerous years playtime but I enjoy playing my Warrior most of all.

What are you looking for in a guild? (raiding, PvP, RP events etc..?)

I enjoy all aspects of the game, though I haven't dabbled much in the roleplaying side as of yet. I really like the PvE side of Wow, just as long as it's with a group of people you enjoy playing with. I also like to chill out with a bit of PvP, but don't expect it to be a fundamental part of the guild. My idea of a guild is alot different to the hardcore PvP guilds out there.

What do you expect from <The Raven Council>?

A place to call home more than anything else. As you probably know, it's not much fun playing with out friends. In my current guild, there were only a few of us left striving to keep it active but soon it became literally the 2 of us.

Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?

Reading about the guild pretty much ticked all the boxes for me. I have a family outside of WoW which I like to spend time with, and your guild ethos not only understands that but encourages it. I also like a mature environment, without having to put up with meaningless spats between other members. It's a big plus for me.

Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?

My friend Ardaenia who recently joined, pointed you out to me first. We had been looking through many guilds over the past few days.

Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).

I'm Kane. I'm 21 and I'm from South Wales. I live with my partner Jen and a little monster named Evan. Between work and WoW he keeps me on my toes for sure. Being Welsh I love my rugby and motorcycles too. I love the feeling of freedom they give. I haven't been allowed to ride one since an accident a few years ago though, purely on no permission from the wife. Right now I'm in a job I hate, and within the next few months I'm thinking of retraining. Possibly as a Plumber. As for my music taste I love classic rock, mixed with my other hobby...the's harmony. I began playing WoW in 2005 but had a break for around a year before returning. I'm now in love with it all over again, with less time /played though!

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WoW character race: Draenei
WoW character class: Shaman

Re: Application: Xevan

Post by Pyx » 08 May 2011, 21:53

Thank you for your application. Please allow us a few days to process it :wink:

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Re: Application: Xevan

Post by Alikh » 09 May 2011, 11:42

Please whisper an officer for a /ginvite!

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Posts: 4422
Character name: Anasazi
Location: Netherlands
WoW character race: Draenei
WoW character class: Shaman

Re: Application: Xevan

Post by Pyx » 09 May 2011, 22:31

