Application: Ardaenia

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Application: Ardaenia

Post by Ardaenia » 08 May 2011, 11:42

Hi there, for the last few days I have been searching for a new guild, I was in a great guild called <Fate> which sadly passed away this week due to inactivity. I need a guild which insists on maturity, raids a bit, but still remains casual. In return I offer my loyalty and experience (which sadly lacks Cata content, but I have been raid tanking since Vanilla).

What is your character's name, race, class and level?
~Ardaenia, Draenei, Protection Paladin, 85.

Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?
~She is my main character, I have had other characters before moving to this server, I was a protection warrior for around 5 years and my first character was a shadow priest back in 2005 they both live on Turalyon server.

Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
~Quite simply I like the sound of you, I looked on the 'looking for guild' feature and you were top, I read the other bio's and yours stuck out. It also sounds like a guild I used to be in and loved dearly back in classic WoW, your website has the same tone and your recruitment policies are everything I look for in a guild. I do not choose/join or leave guilds lightly.

Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?
~ Looking for Guild tool, I liked the sound of the guild and looked on line to see if you had a website and found this place.

Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).
~I'm Helen (Hels), from the West Midlands (UK) and I've just turned 30 :( I've been playing WoW since 2005 so you could say I'm quite addicted. I play bass guitar and saxophone, I love cooking, going to the pub, listening to music, my ideal chill out is some pvp, a few beers and some rocking tunes. I'm also studying for a degree in Literature and I'm currently reading some Dragonlance spin offs (War of Souls for those DL fans out there) And lastly I hope you'll consider me for your guild if there's any other information you'd like please get in touch.

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Posts: 4422
Character name: Anasazi
Location: Netherlands
WoW character race: Draenei
WoW character class: Shaman

Re: Application: Ardaenia

Post by Pyx » 08 May 2011, 15:50

Thank you for your application! Please give us a couple of days to process it.

User avatar
Posts: 4422
Character name: Anasazi
Location: Netherlands
WoW character race: Draenei
WoW character class: Shaman

Re: Application: Ardaenia

Post by Pyx » 08 May 2011, 19:50

Please whisper an officer for a /ginvite!

User avatar
Posts: 4422
Character name: Anasazi
Location: Netherlands
WoW character race: Draenei
WoW character class: Shaman

Re: Application: Ardaenia

Post by Pyx » 08 May 2011, 19:59

