1. What is your character's name, race, class and level?
Name: Kalaz
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid
Level: 80
Armory: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... d&cn=Kalaz
2. Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?
This is going to be my main char as soon i find a prober place to sit down and stay.
If you look at the gear and experience then my mage is my main:
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... n=Vadarion
But as cataclsym is soon up and i need a change of role and play style, then i am working hard to get my druid to
a level where i can call it my main.
3. What are you looking for in a guild? (raiding, PvP, RP events etc..?)
Im basicly looking for PvE due that PvE is the place i have had my focus since i dinged lvl 80 on my first char, i find raiding fun and enjoyable, and i would say im a rather good raider. Also then i have heard that you focus on 10man and after 25man Heroic then i could use some time with focusing on 10man content, cause in the end, it might be the same boss but its different fights and i would like to focus on 10man.
But i have also started to gear up as Resto Druid for PvP.
My WotLK Experience is:
ToC10/ToGC10 = Cleared
ToC25 = Cleared
Ony 10/25 = Cleared
Uld25/10 = a few bosses left
Naxx 10/25 = Cleared 10man / Need a few on 25.
EoE 10/25 = Cleared
OS 10/25 = Cleared (Both on normal and HM)
Icc10 = 11/12
Icc25 = 12/12
Icc25 Heroic = 10/12 (Had attempts on Sindra on around 15%)
Ruby Sanctum 25man = Cleared
Ruby Sanctum 10man = Cleared
Fast a guild story:
Keepers of Mrakness = Im there on Mage atm
Phase Two = Left Due that i wanted to go back on Alliance
Animosity = Left to go horde and Join Phase Two
4. What do you expect from <The Raven Council>?
A good and solid Guild where i can get alot of experience and laughs.
I also expect abit of dedication at some point in raiding
people who knows what they want and they know how to get it.
5. Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
I know TWO persons in the guild and what i have heard then its a good guild with nice people.
And i hope that this is a place i could fit in and have alot of fun with.
6. Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?
Varadin! (*Cough* Ginger *Cough*)
7. Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).
Well my name is Mikkel Aaen and im from Denmark! Im an 18 year old lad who mostly atm spend my time on finding a job until i start school again next yearh for eductaion. Im a pretty social dude who loves to go out with mates, have fun and just have a blast of a party.
My life is basicly one big party and thats how i live, i try to be positive everyday and use Humor as my way forward.
I have a pretty wicked humor so that will be my warning.
Thank you for reading the application and Cheers
Kalaz Druid Application
Re: Kalaz Druid Application
thank you for your application, please have patience while we discuss it.
note to members: please dont post in the recruitment threads. thanks
note to members: please dont post in the recruitment threads. thanks
- (Aliqh)
- Ancient
- Posts: 10887
- Character name: Aliqh
- Location: Netherlands
- WoW character race: Night Elf
- WoW character class: Demon Hunter
- Battle.net character avatar: Aliqh
- Contact:
Re: Kalaz Druid Application
After due consideration, we have decided not to invite you to the guild based on your application. We wish you well on your travels and hope you will find a suitable guild.
- (Aliqh)
- Ancient
- Posts: 10887
- Character name: Aliqh
- Location: Netherlands
- WoW character race: Night Elf
- WoW character class: Demon Hunter
- Battle.net character avatar: Aliqh
- Contact:
Re: Kalaz Druid Application
<not recruited>