Mage Application

A safe place for closed application.

Mage Application

Post by sydd » 04 Nov 2009, 16:39

1. What is your character's name, race, class and level?
Sydd, Gnome Mage level 80

2. Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?
This is my main now, but it was not my first char. (human warlock, undead warrior - on other realm)

3. What are you looking for in a guild? (raiding, PvP, RP events etc..?)
Well I think the social part is the most important thing in a guild. And just as you said, I too "like to think of the guild as a group of friends more than just a collection of members". All that with a bit of raiding on top is the right guild for me.

4. What do you expect from <The Raven Council>?
Well, I expect to have a fun time while raiding, and meeting new people and making new friends :)

5. Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
From what I read, you seem like the right place for me now. It's fits my gameplay style. Also you accept more than just tanks and healers at the moment :D

6. Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?
Browsing the realm forums, in search for a guild. (me and my hunter friend "Milluki" are looking for a guild)

7. Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).
I'm almost 22 years old, I'm from Bucharest, Romania; and i really like beer and vodka

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Posts: 4422
Character name: Anasazi
Location: Netherlands
WoW character race: Draenei
WoW character class: Shaman

Re: Mage Application

Post by Pyx » 04 Nov 2009, 22:32

Thank you for the interest you showed in our guild. We have decided not to offer you an initiateship. We do wish you a lot of fun in the game.
