What is your character's name, race, class and level? My characters name is Applet. She is a level 64 gnome mage. She is my main character. I didn´t have any characters before her but I have some lower levels on another server.
I think it is nice to be a member of a guild because you can help each other and it is fun to chat in the guildchat or just "listen" to what other people say. I also like RPevents and would like to take part in a raid since I haven´t done that yet.
I am applying for membership in this guild because my daughter told me it seems to be a nice guild.
I am from Sweden and I started to play WoW because both of my daughters did. I work as a teacher and I still like to play even though I am of a mature age . I am not the best player alive, I can give you that but as I said, I like it. I want to have a good time playing and most of the time I do. Applet is a joy to be around .
Re: Application
Hi, please talk to an officer when you are online!
- Pyx
- (Anasazi)
- Ancient
- Posts: 4422
- Character name: Anasazi
- Location: Netherlands
- WoW character race: Draenei
- WoW character class: Shaman
Re: Application