Memeth-retri paladin

A safe place for closed application.

Memeth-retri paladin

Post by Memeth » 25 May 2009, 15:16

1. What is your character's name, race, class and level?

- My characters name is Memeth he`s a human paladin level 80.

2. Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?

-This is my main character and the first one i started when i start play WoW.
I have a 80 Holy priest name Rhanduil, i manly play my priest now since i dont need any gear on my paladin.

My Paladin- ... d&n=memeth
My priest- ... n=rhanduil

3. What are you looking for in a guild? (raiding, PvP, RP events etc..?)

- Mainly i just want to relax and have fun whit the people in the guild, want mature people that can talk on a normal level when the guild do things together,i want to get away form all the 14-15 year old youngsters that go crazy over gear and pointless things.

4. What do you expect from <The Raven Council>?

- One thing and thats older or mature people that take WoW for what it is, a game nothing ells.

5. Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?

-I want to have a relaxed guild, i have been in many diehard raiding guilds and i just want to take it easy now and play WoW for fun againe.

6. Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?

- My big brother Ilyaal (Daniel) told me that this is one of the best guild he has ever been in. Soo therefor im here.

7. Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).

- My name is Joakim im 23 years old, i live in sweden whit my girlfriend Jane and my little dog Zelda, i work on a company called SDT that supplys large factorys whit electric moters drive systems and other things.

If there is any thing you want to know just wisp me or talk whit my brother Ilyaal =)

Take care


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Posts: 4910
Character name: Jaera
Location: UK

Re: Memeth-retri paladin

Post by Jaera » 25 May 2009, 16:04

Welcome, thanks for the app.

couple of questions:
wha kind of raiding would you be wanting? only reason i ask is that we are currently finding it hard to squeeze everyone into our ulduar runs.

so would you be bothered if you didnt get any raiding for a while? That said we dont have any Raiding Retris atm. so you would probably have the best chance with that.



Re: Memeth-retri paladin

Post by Memeth » 26 May 2009, 06:39

Well me and my girl friend have just bought a new apartment and will be moving in now on friday soo i wont be online for 2-3 weeks, soo its ok to stand aside the raids.

As i said in my application i have raided to much diehard the last 8 months, soo whould be nice to just relax and floot around on the server =).

// Memeth king of the gypsys

BTW How far have u got in uldar 10 and 25?

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Posts: 4910
Character name: Jaera
Location: UK

Re: Memeth-retri paladin

Post by Jaera » 26 May 2009, 10:34

Ok that all seems fine then, please whisper an officer for an invite!

we will be doing ulduar 25 with our raid alliance guild soon. but in 10 man we are up to mirimon, then general and sara left after


Re: Memeth-retri paladin

Post by Memeth » 26 May 2009, 12:45

Ok thanks, see you later ingame then!

Posts: 4056
Character name: Zarhan

Re: Memeth-retri paladin

Post by Zarhan » 30 May 2009, 20:21

