
A safe place for closed application.


Post by Staerkodder » 17 Dec 2008, 16:11

Hi there, my characters name is Staerkodder (from Stærkodder; the name of a mighty hero from nordic mythology :), a lvl 75 Human Paladin.
It is my main character, and the only one higher than lvl 41.

I quit playing wow in february this year, and returned about two weeks ago. My former guild seemed empty and my rl friends have also stopped playing. But im impressed at how good Northrend is looking, and i want to see more of it than is possible on my own. I prefer to do dungeons, pvp, and the occasional raid. And of course questing on my way to 80. Not much of a guild chat writer, but i enjoy reading from the more active chatters :)

I want to join TRC because your description sounds perfect for me; a guild of friendly and mature people with a RL coming first, and the possibility of some well organized raids and bg's.
I remember the guild name from when i was part of Approaching Storm, and we did a few Karazhan and Gruul runs together.

I just respecced retribution, after being holy since lvl 62 i think, but want to try and tank too. Can be pursuaded to a healing job once in a while.

My name is Kasper, im 29 years old and from Denmark. Im selling building materials at work, and are soon 'moving together' with my gf. So by that time there will probably be a bit less gaming for me.. :)

Posts: 4056
Character name: Zarhan

Re: Application

Post by Zarhan » 17 Dec 2008, 17:03

While we are happy to consider your application, you might want to know that Approaching Storm did a re-boot and they are now known as Typhoon Struggle. I don't know how close you were to the "core" of AS like Sheeana/Junlita/Gnuss etc are, but you might want to visit or do a /who typhoon online and see what you can find out.

We still have quite tight ties with the (current) TTS and there have been some talks about continuing the WotLK raids with them so you probably wouldn't miss out on any of the content, either.

Posts: 4056
Character name: Zarhan

Re: Application

Post by Zarhan » 27 Dec 2008, 14:33

<application withdrawn>

(?), but haven't gotten any reply from you.
