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Woop, Mythic Odyn and Guarm down! (Oh and 7/7 Mythic EN)

Posted: 08 Jan 2017, 23:37
by Bowick
Screenshot Time!

Again, super slow with screenshots here.. but woohoo, Odyn was killed last week!



And Guarm was slain tonight!



Oh and *cough* Cenarius and Xavius were actually killed last year. \o/

Next up.... Nighthold? :D

Re: Woop, Mythic Odyn and Guarm down! (Oh and 7/7 Mythic EN)

Posted: 11 Jan 2017, 10:09
by Alikh
Congratulations! :D
Bowick wrote: Oh and *cough* Cenarius and Xavius were actually killed last year. \o/
:oops: :shock: :evil: Why were we not told :?:

We demand more updates like this in the future :!: