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Mannoroth mythic down 12/13 now!

Posted: 07 Jan 2016, 22:13
by Alikh
Just Archi mythic left now! Should be easier than Manni.

Re: Mannoroth mythic down 12/13 now!

Posted: 08 Jan 2016, 01:35
by Lanaiba
We did it! /happyflap

Re: Mannoroth mythic down 12/13 now!

Posted: 08 Jan 2016, 03:04
by Xanzara

Re: Mannoroth mythic down 12/13 now!

Posted: 08 Jan 2016, 08:42
by Lupo
Relief is a good feeling. I also promise on the re-kill to better my soaking of 2 out of 7 waves and imp damage of 89 - not entirely sure how it was quite that low. My boss damage will suffer but I'm sure I'll manage hehehe.

Re: Mannoroth mythic down 12/13 now!

Posted: 08 Jan 2016, 09:54
by Herecles
Yay we did it!!

I think it was my He Man powering up picture that inspired us!!

By the power of Greyskull!!

Re: Mannoroth mythic down 12/13 now!

Posted: 08 Jan 2016, 13:02
by Vimali
Definitely the power of He Man!

Has he got the power for realm 2nd Archimonde??

Re: Mannoroth mythic down 12/13 now!

Posted: 08 Jan 2016, 13:41
by Vimali
I spoke too soon!! Animosity got it :(

Re: Mannoroth mythic down 12/13 now!

Posted: 08 Jan 2016, 13:50
by Alikh
Herecles, it's not nice to hold your big stomper maces in front of Stu!

Re: Mannoroth mythic down 12/13 now!

Posted: 08 Jan 2016, 13:54
by Lupo
Aye, Animosity had a lot of close calls, guildies leaving, and last night they had 8 or 9 sub 5% wipes before finally pushing it over in around 330 wipes.

So the goal is to be largely below that if we can. We may not be the quickest, we may not be the smartest, but we can always be efficient! :P

Re: Mannoroth mythic down 12/13 now!

Posted: 08 Jan 2016, 14:40
by Alikh
Smart = efficient too!
And we could always go for 12 hours raiding per week, upscaled to 20 hours at the start of an patch.
Orrrr, nah.

Re: Mannoroth mythic down 12/13 now!

Posted: 08 Jan 2016, 15:53
by Herecles
Vimali wrote:I spoke too soon!! Animosity got it :(
Well 3rd will be ours then!!

Perhaps some Thundercats motivation will help as well!!

Re: Mannoroth mythic down 12/13 now!

Posted: 08 Jan 2016, 15:54
by Herecles
Alikh wrote:Herecles, it's not nice to hold your big stomper maces in front of Stu!
I can accept no fault for having a big weapon!

Re: Mannoroth mythic down 12/13 now!

Posted: 08 Jan 2016, 16:08
by Proe
"Very clean kill." -Pingu 2016

Re: Mannoroth mythic down 12/13 now!

Posted: 08 Jan 2016, 20:10
by KramT
Another one! My mic clipped the audio horribly in the end. So no victory cheers unfortunately :(

Re: Mannoroth mythic down 12/13 now!

Posted: 14 Jan 2016, 04:17
by dottzpg
Great Job Boys! That's a Nice View!!