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Tonight's co-op raid on Blackrock Spire

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 01:20
by Grim
Very, very, very nice raid that was, in spite of a few wipes. :)

Everybody knew what to do, everybody worked together, no fights about loot, plenty of laughs.

Worth repeating I think.

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 01:47
by Valeo
On behalf of Veneratio Aeterna, i'd like to thank you all too. That was indeed very nice. This way next time will be even faster, as everybody knows better what to do. Plenty of laughs, more to come!

Hope we can come to some terms of using a voice comm soft :)

Im sure we can all see great things coming from our Raidalliance!

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 18:46
by Alikh
I'm looking forward to it. On the subject of voice comms, we can either use vent or teamspeak. We can check out both to see which performs better for most of us. We should also get some guidelines straight when using voice comms, like only a few doing the talking mostly, since otherwise it might end up like a kakophony of voices when 20 or more are on.
I'm not sure how this is normally done in raid guilds, so anyone who has experience with this is welcome to comment on this.

I hope we can start doing the bigger instances soon. :wink:

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 22:56
by Zoltan
Glad it went well - and looking forward to joining you. BRD is next for me.

With regards voice comms, last time I used it actually getting people to talk is the hardest part, not too much talking. Apart from one crazy Frenchwoman who refused to use 'push to talk' and kept up a running commentary...