These are *exactly* the reasons why I went on hiatus before - before I started playing again and joined RC last summer. I'm having a bit of same feelings as well, mostly regarding the Kara raid today (which basically consisted of bashing head to a wall for 4 hours).
Granted, back then I was stuck in a raiding guild. Anyway, one of the things I never understood was people going to same instances over and over again, even AFTER all the quests had been completed? Chasing after some loot? Huh? I had killed the boss, why should I go for it again? I *never* went to an instance more than once unless a Quest demanded it - I think first ever was Uldaman, and later BRD/BRS. Not a lot of people understood that all I wanted in MC was to see what's in there. I also wondered how it can be that there are no quests into that place..
That had me stuck at the end-game instances - didn't really like to go to UBRS the umpteenth time. Then we started raiding, and Molten Core was great for a while (we were mostly green-geared so it took time to even get past the first two giants). I did PvP for a while since there at least was some "changing" content - until Blizzard decided to screw over Alterac Valley by turning it into a racing contest.
Anyway, I then transferred my char to RP server (DB) after probing around with a low-level alt. The atmosphere seemed so much better (in a sense, people making their own stories). So I started playing again - then I found RC (with Rezag). During the "scout-out" summer even the old instances were ok since I had forgotten most about them.
Then there's wowwiki.
Two years ago, there wasn't. I had no idea what all those fancy loots were about, why should I get them, and what the heck do they mean.
And I still think that doing quests is the best part of the game since you actually have a goal. Anyway, all the background info, all the lore, all the nice tidbits in wowwiki really give SO MUCH more depth to all that stuff that it actually seems much more immersive place - even when repeating same thing over.
End result: Baron 45-min runs and getting full tier 0.5 set, with the peeps from this very guild. So there was some "new" stuff, just something I hadn't experienced before. I was actually excited about the game again.
The staticness of the world does suck. When Naxxramas patch hit and the necropolises started appearing around the world, I was wondering if Blizz *finally* would start some sort of realtime war against scrouge. Oh well. Guess not.
Of course, the staticness was mitigated a lot when TBC came. Suddendly there's a whole new world. Of course, by now it's familiar to everybody. And there wasn't any class-specific quests. I loved Rhok'delar, basically a solo hunter q for that epic bow.
Why do I still enjoy this poo for the most part? Because it's still new. I want to see the Prince and Gruul go down. Karazhan is a wonderful instance. Except for the parts that suck.
My primary problem with the game these days are completely
artificial things that block progress. Why do Karazhan trash mobs respawn? Why do they respawn in 30 minutes, no less? What good does that do? Why the rep-grind?
The Heroic instances, while nice, they also do away with the last vestiges of pretending that there could be some personal plot where you, as a character, experience each instance only once. No, you are *expected* to return to them, even IC.
Anyway, today at Kara I got pissed at Blizzards design, especially after bashing head in the wall (curator) for 4 hours. They claimed that in TBC, they added Shammies to Alliance and Pallies to Horde so they could do a more "class-independent" instances since now all factions can be of any class. At Kara, as we learned today, this is seemingly just crap. If you have anything less than the absolute optimum combination, you are screwed. We already learned at earlier bosses that you absolutely need 3 healers, and Moroes probably needs two priests for shackling. At all bosses, two mages minimum for DPS, no hope otherwise. Make one mistake and there's no recovery. One missed heal, one broken CC. Make two mistakes and oops! The trash has respawned, clear again, waste a hour. Right.
This is the new "casual friendly" raiding that TBC was supposed to have? Why couldn't they have some sort of "scaled" dungeons? Where they somehow, similar to arena matchups, detect how tough the raid is? Maybe even based on the quickness on how fast they down trash? That would mean that when a group without the fully-thought out choreography could actually enjoy the place. Heck, even Moroes could actually have his adds decided by the raid composition, not just randomness - to make him always challenging, but beatable (with a sensible upper limit of course).
It's quite telling that the best, funniest, most enjoyable ZG run I ever had was when one weekend Kara was cancelled due to lack of signups and we went there - just a bunch of 70's. Just blazing through...saw finally Hakkar go down too
. And it was actually FUN for a change. No need to do military-perfect execution of tactics, as long as things were nearly there (only had a few probs with Thekal).
I just don't like the fact that a Karazhan raid could be formed with 2 warriors, 3 priests and 5 mages - and probably they would blaze through all bosses and survive. Why bother having other classes in at all, Blizzard?
Point that I'm getting here and the reason that I'll still go for Kara even though I'm pissed NOW at Blizzards design and I just threw quite a rant:
- We do it seldom enough, max three times a week and there's no one forcing you to raid. I've signed up most of the time since the times suit me, but if I actually have something else to do I can skip raiding.
- We are still making progress, we have everything to Opera on farm status - Moroes and Maiden are finally getting beaten consistently
- I'm sure that with mage-squad present we'll flatten Curator all right
- I want to see the damn questline finished, meaning taking down Prince eventually (so there's actual goal). Don't really care THAT much about Tier 4 crap.
Not really all that good reasons? Well, too bad is that WoW is still the best MMORPG there is! All the others are either older generation and even worse, or clones (LotrO) that haven't really progressed (as of yet). And yes, I tried guildwars.
Heck, I played the good old MUDs back in the old days, they had one thing: User-generated content. When will "web 2.0" come to MMORPG world? When you get past a certain level, you, instead of an adventurer, you have enough resources by that time to own your own lands and castles (or space stations), and you can start building up your own contraptions for eager adventurers. BatMUD was great (and still is!).