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The Very Official Raven Council Alts Thread

Posted: 13 May 2006, 22:04
by Grim
With so many people in the guild playing so many alts, I thought it a good idea to make a thread in which everyone could put down the names of mains and alts. Just so everyone knows who's who.

I'll kick off.


(Lenandil is me too, but I decided I was tired of playing a night elf warrior and made a human one instead - Leomir)

Edit, thanks Khila:

Earthen Ring was my first home. I played many, many characters there, but my three main ones were Nolofinwe, night elf warrior (still level 59 and a half - my very first character ever), Aruthor, paladin (level 44) and Soloh, rogue (42).

Our old guild went belly up, and after a chat with one of our guild members Mirid (better known as Nelle) I decided to join the old guildies on Defias Brotherhood.

Posted: 14 May 2006, 02:52
by Alikh
I post my main's name in my alt's notes, but it doesn't hurt listing them here:

khila (main lock)
astra (priest)
thorgil (hunter)
rilka (pally)
wizzle (rogue)
frostwhisper (druid)
fuzz (mage)
qila (warrior)

Only the top four are in guild because those are the only ones I play seriously except the rogue (my rogue on AD is called khila as well). The others are just copies of chars I played on AD which is part of the reason I'm not too motivated to level them (deja vu).

Posted: 14 May 2006, 11:53
by Ryvaine
My alts :
Ryvaine (main)
Rillian (lvl 13 gnome mage)
Im afraid, but I wanna play lock too (warlock and rogue are my favourite classes) :D

Posted: 16 May 2006, 13:50
by Stukov
Although my main is Stukov I have several alts in the guild
Here they are : Meimakiir (druid )
Origrim (priest)
Elrondil (rogue)
And that doesnt mean Im not intending to play other classes :)
Ill keep ye updated

Posted: 18 May 2006, 19:41
by Brilliant
Brilliant (priest)
Bigg (warlock)
Visio (warrior)
Anxiety (rogue)
Visia (mage)

Yes i know im creative with names, hahaha

Posted: 19 May 2006, 06:48
by frozenwiller
My alt(s)

Duriann (night elf hunter)
Merdeiln (dwarf priest)

Edit: To the khila's question. I have started playing in Defias, so this is my "home" :) During the spring I have also created some horde characters at Scarshield Legion, but nothing there which I would actively play with.

Posted: 19 May 2006, 16:06
by Zoltan
Zoltan - Warlock (main)
Iolaus - Warrior (alt)

Just Meanies

Posted: 28 May 2006, 17:03
by Irynia
Raven and Doom haha

Posted: 28 May 2006, 18:10
by Eramar
Main: Eterud ( taw member, warlock)
Alt: Eramar ( Raven council member, Warrior)

Posted: 30 May 2006, 12:23
by Pyx
Pyx = main
Pinot = alt (lvl 40-ish paladin)


Posted: 30 May 2006, 15:54
by sandriel
My alt is Arafinwe a 18 lvl paladin

Posted: 30 May 2006, 18:08
by Alikh
So many people with just one alt. You should really try out the other classes some more, it might change your perspective on wow. :wink:

Ofcourse, most people are from another server and might have alts there.

Maybe it'd be nice to tell as well which server you're from.

I, for example, am from Argent Dawn, where I have as much alts as I have here (just filled up to the server max), although I only play seriously on defias now.
Apart from that server, I also have a single tauren shaman 26 on venture co. and a low level on Earthen Ring.

I know most of the early members are from Earthen Ring (all the councillors at least).

Posted: 11 Jun 2006, 20:06
by Asdis
Didn't really come here to name all the alts I have, but to tell you all my new main - as you might have noticed, I hardly play at all with Asdis... You may /gkick her if you want, I don't mind. My own fault for being inactive there. (Hell, I don't even know if you've kicked me already - been probably a few weeks since I last checked. :D)

So anyway, if anyone misses me, Ravenholdt is where to find me nowadays. Horde side there, tauren hunter called Nakoda. Level 55 at the moment.

Posted: 26 Jun 2006, 10:46
by Tasmaar
main: Tasmaar
alt: Riverine

Posted: 26 Jun 2006, 18:08
by Pelagia Alynis

Pelagia, elf hunter 56 (raven council)


Lassale, human warrior 23 (raven council)
Terzit, troll priest 16 (raven legion on Venture Co.)
Felida, elf druid 31 (no guild, Scarshield Legion)

Posted: 12 Aug 2006, 19:25
by Mistreal
Mistreal - hunter, lvl60 - main
Brethil - druid, lvl12 - alt

Mistreal is my very first character.

Posted: 13 Aug 2006, 18:58
by Spectral
Mirid, 60 NE hunter on Earthen Ring.
Nelle, 60 human warrior on Defias Brotherhood.
Spectral, 54 gnome rogue on Defias Brotherhood.

Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 22:48
by Tseng
Tseng (main, 49 rogue)
Rän (18 priest)