Hospital stay

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Hospital stay

Post by Drubnubjagr » 25 Jan 2007, 11:48

As I guess you have noticed, I havent been playing anything for quite some time.

This is because of a hospital stay, wich I hope will be over in a few days (perhaps longer though). I have been at the hospital since the fourth, so I really want to play wow again now ^^

Anyway, I am going to roll a Belf Mage at Venture Co, wich will become my new main, but I hope I can stay in RC so I can come visit my old friends!

You should be at least lvl 65+ now, so.... WTB Boost DiM and Scholo for Epic Mount as soon as Im out, after wich I will stop playing with Drub for quite some time.

This play stop has nothing to do with the persons in RC, but rather with the persons that isnt in it. Chialin, wich is one of my best RL friends, has almost completely retired her for a Belf Pala, so I want to play with her.

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Re: Hospital stay

Post by Zarhan » 25 Jan 2007, 11:51

Drubnubjagr wrote:
Anyway, I am going to roll a Belf Mage at Venture Co, wich will become my new main, but I hope I can stay in RC so I can come visit my old friends!
Why not roll it on Sporeggar? That's why the RC mirror guild is set up there anyway..

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Post by Drubnubjagr » 25 Jan 2007, 11:53

The simple reason of RL friends, Zar!
Proth, Chia, Zeine and Hafwen all play on Vent Co

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Post by Pyx » 25 Jan 2007, 12:42

Get them to start their Blood Elfs on Sporeggar as well then!

Problem solved, and we would have the enjoyment of their companionship back with us as well.

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Post by Rhaena » 25 Jan 2007, 14:56

Hope you get out of hospital soon and back to WoW where you belong. Looking forward to seeing you in the Outland sometime.

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