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A Game of Thrones

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 00:18
by Solisil
Couldn't find the post with recommended movies, so this will have to do:

Just watched the first episode of the new fantasy series, A Game of Thrones,
(based on George R R Martins book series A song of Ice and Fire), and I just have
to give a little heads up to you all about it.

One of the better adaptations from book to screen I've seen so far (with 9 more
episodes to come), so if you don't mind some scenes with graphic violence or
nudity then check it out.

A Game of Thrones - Winter is coming.

Re: A Game of Thrones

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 06:47
by Bastille
Solisil wrote: so if you don't mind some scenes with graphic violence or
nudity then check it out.
Sounds like a my kind of stuff :mrgreen:. *Runs to the nearest video store*

Re: A Game of Thrones

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 11:57
by Alikh
Solisil wrote:
Sounds like my kind of stuff :D. *Runs after Bastille to the nearest video store*

Re: A Game of Thrones

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 12:04
by Rezag
Alikh wrote:
Solisil wrote:
Sounds like my kind of stuff :D. *Runs after Bastille to the nearest video store*
Set's out traps outside of video store it's mine all mine

Re: A Game of Thrones

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 12:28
by Jolith
canal+ will start to show that serie soon here in finland and i have waited it really anxiously. Nice to hear that i havent waited for nothing :).

Re: A Game of Thrones

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 16:45
by Glavinius
Saw the first eps and i liked it, Sean bean is awesome. Anyone watching Camelot???

Re: A Game of Thrones

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 19:47
by Solisil
Hehe! I wonder how many will get stuck in that trap of yours Rezag... *grin*

You definitely haven't waited in vain Jolith.

From what I can tell, and it wasn't too long ago that I read the first book,
they've done a great job with both cast and dialogue.
I haven't found anything wrong with the characters so far, and I'm impressed
with the acting from especially the younger actors as well.

So hopefully 9 more hours of plots and intrigues, in a beautiful fantasy setting.
Nom nom!

Re: A Game of Thrones

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 19:55
by Ithilian
Awesome, good to hear that something nice is popping from the old telly these days ^^
Camelot has potential..but I dislike the Arthur dude... could have gone with someone hmm..more framey? ;)


Re: A Game of Thrones

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 20:24
by Glavinius
Jamie Campbell Bower that plays Arthur is horribly miscast. Eva green (
Morgan) and Joseph Fiennes (Merlin) are the ones saving that show

Re: A Game of Thrones

Posted: 21 Apr 2011, 10:09
by Zarhan
We watched the first ep now as well. So far so good. Have to see how this goes on. HBO's series have been somewhat of a hit&miss for me - either liked very much or not at all. I've enjoyed Oz and Deadwood, but couldn't stand Carnivale and Rome, for example. Hopefully GoT goes to the former category...

Re: A Game of Thrones

Posted: 27 Apr 2011, 17:40
by Glavinius
Man i really like GoT, so i wonder if you guys/girls knew any other fantasy similar to it.

Re: A Game of Thrones

Posted: 27 Apr 2011, 19:15
by Zarhan
Try Guy Gavriel Kay's books. I'd recommend Tigana as a good starting point, since it's a stand-alone novel. Contains violence, political games, nice muddling between "good" and "evil", incestuous relationships and all that jazz.

If you like it, then you can try Fionavar Tapestry series.

Re: A Game of Thrones

Posted: 27 Apr 2011, 19:18
by Glavinius
Thanks Zar, will do

Re: A Game of Thrones

Posted: 28 Apr 2011, 00:35
by Solisil
I'd recommend Robin Hobb as well
(the Farseer triology, the Tawny man, the Liveshio traders, amongst others).

George Martin has been writing short reviews for her books, and she does the same
for his work, and they are a bit similar in the way they write very closely to their
"worlds" (with lore and history for their worlds worked out in addition to the story
unfolding in their books).
And ofc they both write with plots and intrigues as the center of attention.

Some say that they find Robin Hobb a bit lacking, in comparison with George Martin,
but I appreciate them both.

Re: A Game of Thrones

Posted: 02 May 2011, 19:37
by Ithilian
Uhhh, what is it with HBO and these ~2min intros to shows :P Someone should really tell them to keep it short.
1min and 45 sec for game of thrones, The Pacific had like a 5min intro... so old school :)
