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Sigh and Ofc

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 15:55
by Velianatos
Ofcourse must my goddamn computer frog up just 3h before MC.
!"#¤%& ½!¤¤/ :cry: %( !/#!& )/¤#&!/ !&#!/ )¤ <----- you dont wanna know. :cry:

Well it seems as my IP is unable to renew itself right now so I use my dads computer to check forums. Sorry to those who were in MC. hope it went good for ya.

- A not to happy Dwarf paladin / human warrior.

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 18:50
by Spectral
Damn, I'm feeling ya ;(

Yes, it went very well, darn shame you couldn't come. Downed the first 2 bosses. Gl with your pc.