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Thanks to all attendants of the guild meeting!

Posted: 05 Apr 2006, 23:17
by Spectral
Thanks to all attendants of the guild meeting on the 5th if April! We hope that you took in our opinions and suggestions, and that we inspired you at least a bit ;)

Here are some pics from the day, way back, that me and Celsan managed to get Pyx into the Raven Council (Which was brought up at her promotion during the meeting). They're no great shots, just for the nostalgia ;)

Here's the link: ... einfo.html

The images are zipped, use WinZip to extract them (can be downloaded at

Posted: 06 Apr 2006, 11:18
by Celsan
I forgot to mention this last night....we should have a photo gallery very fact I can hear the cogs turning as we speak....

Will update here as soon as it's up.

Posted: 06 Apr 2006, 11:22
by Pyx
Nice to see these pics!

Oh, the nostalgia :)