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City Of Heroes

Posted: 10 Aug 2010, 06:00
by Bumbler
Hi guys and gals. Been a while.

I am currently on a quest for a non-fantasy mmo that isn't poo. Any suggestions? I did get a City of Heroes/Villans starter pack for £1 so we'll see how that goes when it comes through the postbox.

I'm just bored of WOW. I've done the quests SO many times and don't really raid/instance. I've even been playing on Sporregar server as Hoard to see how it is from that side. By the way, if you see anyone with a Raptor mount they have serious patience! 20x dailies to get it (plus a stack of Runecloth, Thick Leather and 60G). It was ploughing through that just becuase I was bored of riding Emu (I always felt like I had Rod Hull's hand up my butt) that made me decide to quit.

So any ideas on the Non-fantasy MMO? If only they did Mass Effect as an MMO. It would need a tweek (more involved planet quests) but could be excellent.

Drain (The Bumbler)

"Still Alive old friend"

Re: City Of Heroes

Posted: 10 Aug 2010, 09:41
by Alikh
Hi Bum. Well, they're doing knights of the old republic as an MMORPG, that close enough to mass effect?

Re: City Of Heroes

Posted: 11 Aug 2010, 04:40
by Bumbler
Possibly but given the spotty track record for SW games (though not as bad as Trek games) I am dubious

Re: City Of Heroes

Posted: 11 Aug 2010, 10:28
by Jaera
spotty? what are you smoking

the kotor games are some of the finest of all time. and this is bioware

Re: City Of Heroes

Posted: 11 Aug 2010, 11:12
by Zarhan
BTW, for Kotor 2 fans - Check out ... nload.html - the restoration project is finally done and quite stable.

And yeah, Star Wars games have actually one of the better track records. All the way from the old coin-op (nuking the Death Star), Larry Holland's sims (X-wing, Tie Fighter, XvT), Lego Star Wars series, Kotor games...only bad apples along the way are pretty much Return of the Jedi from the 80's and Lucasarts' first Star Wars MMORPG.

Re: City Of Heroes

Posted: 11 Aug 2010, 11:32
by Jaera
yeah but thats not the original restoration thing.

people got annoyed at waiting for the team gizka one and went and made their own. quite right too, it was a farce..

Re: City Of Heroes

Posted: 25 Sep 2010, 13:12
by Bumbler
Well I've been playing CoH for a while now and I'm enjoying it. It's really refreshing to not have to do a fantasy rpg. That said, it's not perfect and the game can be a little grind-heavy but there a re a few things I really like.

1 - Missions tend to be set up like a mini-instance. That way you don't get some git knicking your kills and if you die the area is pretty much as you left it when you get back from the corpse run (handy for those tough bosses). They are also geared to your level so if you are level 12 then the mobs will be lvl 12/13 (and this is changable to make it harder). It also resets if you log off.

2 - Quest hand-ins are SO MUCH easier! Once you have enmough rep with a contact (usually after doing just 1 mission for them) then you can call them on the phone to hand in!

3 - Heroes and villans are kept apart from each other except for in the areanas so there is no ganking!

These are nice little touches and will keep me going until KOTOR has been rel;eased and the initial bugs worn out.

Drain / Bumbler