The Chopper Scheme

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The Chopper Scheme

Post by Varadin » 11 Jul 2010, 01:27

Hey guildies just thought you might like to know i am currently building choppers to be sold on the on the AH for 18-20k each the cost of making one is about 12.5k if you farm the mats so i will be willing to sell you guildies Choppers for 12.5k each instead of the normal 18-20k price so anyone interested in owning a chopper speak to me as they are pretty cool. :mrgreen:
May the force be with you.

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Re: The Chopper Scheme

Post by Alikh » 15 Jul 2010, 17:26

I think I can make the bike on Khila as well, but I'm not bothering with all the grinding and gathering money.

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