I just want to say "hello"
Posted: 08 Jul 2006, 18:45
So: hello!:)
Im priestess borned in Redridge Mountains, near border of Burning Stepes. I left home when i was quite young. I thought that with my healing skills i can make this world better. Of course time teached me that there is lot of evil and i cant heal it... i can only kill it. Well... we all are wrong sometimes. But even if i cant win, i can and i should fight. This is my duty or at least i feel it that way. Especially now when whole world we do know is in need because of scourge invasion.
((hello there x 2
Im 23 and i am rlw girl:)
As you can see my english isnt best but i hope u can understand me:), You can call me your barbaric friend especially that Redridge's people use dialect and - we can be honest - this is really far from civilization.
Im priestess borned in Redridge Mountains, near border of Burning Stepes. I left home when i was quite young. I thought that with my healing skills i can make this world better. Of course time teached me that there is lot of evil and i cant heal it... i can only kill it. Well... we all are wrong sometimes. But even if i cant win, i can and i should fight. This is my duty or at least i feel it that way. Especially now when whole world we do know is in need because of scourge invasion.
((hello there x 2
Im 23 and i am rlw girl:)
As you can see my english isnt best but i hope u can understand me:), You can call me your barbaric friend especially that Redridge's people use dialect and - we can be honest - this is really far from civilization.