Level requirements

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Poll: Should the Raven Council have a level requirement for aspiring players who want to become part of our guild?

Poll ended at 09 Jul 2006, 21:41

No, certainly not!
Yes, for all members of the guild and it should be set high (f.e. example level 45 and up)
Maybe, maybe not. No level requirements for initiates and some level requirements for the rest of the ranks suits us fine for the moment
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Level requirements

Post by Pyx » 25 Jun 2006, 21:41

Following Sandriels suggestion here is a poll on the subject of level requirements for joining the Raven Council.


Post by frozenwiller » 25 Jun 2006, 23:16

I'll write this down here, as I still don't see the use for lvl gap (in our kind of guild).

If we want to recruit high lvl people, how setting level gap will help it? (I assume they can be invited without this gap anyway).

Why we would want to recruit just high levels? Because Epixxxx? Wouldn't there be a slight possibility to get really greedy people in, if we recruit just to get to the end-game instances? (One can refer to my earlier post about recruitment).

If there would've been a gap, I certainly wouldn't be here (is it a good or bad thing then, is out of this posts scope :). And I don't see any reason, I would change guild when I eventually level up. What I like is a good bunch of people in guild, who I know. This evolves longer term relationship with the guild and has nothing to do with character level. IMHO we lose a great deal of potential good players if we set (too high) limits in that sense.

I think current system is pretty good, coming to terms what kind of people, we want in. It does take more from the player than yelling at LFG channel for guild, or coming to disturb guild meetings. Of course this adds great deal of job to our high councillors, when there are people joining in and it would be much more easier to just do the decision based on level. BUT don't we have enough of this kind of guilds here already?

I can understand that some of us really want to take touch of all those big instances, but is there something that we cannot come across with guild-alliances?

But this is just a view of a low level mage.

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Post by Alikh » 26 Jun 2006, 01:50

My opinion is that we should recruit people based solely on their potential to become good players.
Good players are, in my opinion, those that play in the spirit of the game, which is to have fun and to do it together (hence the massively multiplayer and the game aspect).

Level is secondary or even tertiary in this assessment of the potential member.

Attaining higher level is a measure of one's dedication to his class though, and I think it's a good idea to keep level requirements for certain ranks. Initiates being without level requirement, but member requiring level 30 for example, and so on.


About the suggestion

Post by sandriel » 26 Jun 2006, 19:23

Hi guys!!!!
I have to ask one question to all of you, i can understand that it is not a raid guild (fine by me ) but will happened if all our members will reach lvl 60.They want to see more than UBRS LBRS and stuff like this i believe. Then we would be a raid guild? i say again im not after the epix (although is good to have them). I would like to hear your opinions about that.
Fethermore im not expect to be 27/7 raid guild but we can try to finish ZG or MC or these high ends instances in the near future.....
Hope to see this post and make your opinion and suggestion about that.
See you all in the game...... :D


Post by Tengila » 27 Jun 2006, 09:57

Hi all, my two cents to this.

I have never had more fun playing when we have guild only raids. With my social life commitments I can, at most, participate once per week in something that is scheduled (which I think is the hassel in Raids).

I would love to see MC at least once in my lifetime.... :-)

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Post by atirian » 14 Aug 2006, 21:37

Well its touchy Subject. each one could have its own problems. except for the Rank rquirements.
any way posible problems example.
joing level requiremnt .. experienced players but with lowbie joins before he gets invite to another guild.

but actully since this guild never advertises i dont think we will be flodded with young kids and thier lowbies likes its happend before in other guilds.
Which makes me think. THIS GUILD KICKS ASS!! soooo i dont think it would make any diffrence what u guys decide on.
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Post by Spectral » 19 Sep 2006, 17:12

Un-stickied. Has been up long enough, disagree if you feel otherwise :)

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