Rules and ranks of the Raven Council
Posted: 25 Jun 2006, 21:37
The rules of the Raven Council
1. The Raven Council is not and will never become a hardcore raiding guild. DKP's are an alien concept to us and we will never ever use a raiding agenda. This does not mean that we will never go to endlevel instances. Far from it, ad hoc groups of members and allies will find themselves deep into all these mysterious places. Yet is honest to say that we will never go camping in those instances, so epixxx fever will never be satisfied.
2. The Raven Council is not and will never become a hardcore honorgrinding PvP-machine. Members are free to endulge themselves in the Battlegrounds and/or world PvP, but you may not demand your fellow guildies to follow your PvP-needs. If that is what you seek, your quest will have to take you elsewhere.
3. Although we're not a hardcore RP guild, we are open to organising RP events. We expect all our members to adhere to the realm rules. People who are found to exhibit blatant OOC behaviour in public might have some explaining to do before the council.
4. What the Raven Council does stand for is a mature, friendly, cooperative and above all fun experience for all.
5. With a lot of freedom however comes some responsibility as well. You can not ask high level guildies to help you gain experience faster. No, you will have to endure the long route and thereby gaining all the experience you may appreciate later on in the game. But you could tackle those sometimes nasty challenges with your fellow guildies in the same level range! Not only will you thus learn to cooperate and coordinate with different classes, but you will get to know and appreciate each other.
6. With all this said be assured that the Raven Council will take care of you by organizing fun events, forging alliances, providing arcane knowledge and stimulating interguild relationships!
Rank structure and carreers
0. Fresh blood will find the Raven Council either by recommendation from a member or by direct request from the player involved. In both circumstances prospects are asked to make a post about themselves at our forum in which they describe who they are, why they want to join our guild and what they expect from it. The officers and councillors will discuss these applications amongst themselves, before one of them contacts the prospect.
1. All new players will start with the Raven Council as an initiate. This will give both you and the guild time to get to know each other and determine if we suit each other.
2. After time - this can vary a lot, and by itself is no indicator - you may be promoted to member or we may propose that some other guild will suit you better. From all our members we expect that they will take the guild rules by heart and that they will represent our guild to the best of their abilities. Following the nature of our guild you do need to be at least level 30 and to be registred at our forum before you can be promoted from initiate to member.
3. We will raise the more cooperative and engaging members (who really contribute to our social cohesiveness) in time to the honorary title of senior member. This will not give you any special rights, but is a mark of distinction we would like to extend to members who's actions we really appreciate. This rank can only be attained from level 45 and up.
4. Raven Council as a guild needs members who will devote a substantial piece of their time to the guild and for this purpose a few of the members will be asked to take care of special needs (for example: the coordination of raids, forging alliances, taking care of RP-events, guarding our treasures in the guildbank and so on). With these responsibilities come the rank of officer. Officers will be able to recruit, to write the GMotD and to use the /officer channel as well. This rank can only be attained from level 50 and up.
5. As a mark of distinction one or two officers may be promoted to senior officer. Besides all responsibilities and rights of an officer, the senior officer is able to take disciplinary actions as well (all the way up to the banishment of misbehaving members). This rank can only be attained from level 60 and up.
6. The ultimate rank within the Raven Council is councillor, and by the nature of this rank it will be a select few who can attain it. Although only councillors can promote and demote members to different ranks, the Raven Council is actually governed by the collective of councillors and (senior) officers. The founding fathers of the guild are high councillor by default until they decide to step down.
Only main characters can rise through the ranks in the Raven Council. Be assured however that you can develop some alternative characters as well! For this we have the rank of fellow for all the alts. It is required however that you make a note in the social pane of the game, so that it is clear to which main character an alt - or fellow as we like to say - is connected.
To keep the guild fresh and active we will remove players who haven't been active for a long time and who didn't give prior notice of their absence.
This means that we will /gkick initiates who haven't logged in for more then 4 weeks (either with their main or with an alternative character). For members we will show more leniency, but eventually a truly inactive character will be removed from the guildroster.
1. The Raven Council is not and will never become a hardcore raiding guild. DKP's are an alien concept to us and we will never ever use a raiding agenda. This does not mean that we will never go to endlevel instances. Far from it, ad hoc groups of members and allies will find themselves deep into all these mysterious places. Yet is honest to say that we will never go camping in those instances, so epixxx fever will never be satisfied.
2. The Raven Council is not and will never become a hardcore honorgrinding PvP-machine. Members are free to endulge themselves in the Battlegrounds and/or world PvP, but you may not demand your fellow guildies to follow your PvP-needs. If that is what you seek, your quest will have to take you elsewhere.
3. Although we're not a hardcore RP guild, we are open to organising RP events. We expect all our members to adhere to the realm rules. People who are found to exhibit blatant OOC behaviour in public might have some explaining to do before the council.
4. What the Raven Council does stand for is a mature, friendly, cooperative and above all fun experience for all.
5. With a lot of freedom however comes some responsibility as well. You can not ask high level guildies to help you gain experience faster. No, you will have to endure the long route and thereby gaining all the experience you may appreciate later on in the game. But you could tackle those sometimes nasty challenges with your fellow guildies in the same level range! Not only will you thus learn to cooperate and coordinate with different classes, but you will get to know and appreciate each other.
6. With all this said be assured that the Raven Council will take care of you by organizing fun events, forging alliances, providing arcane knowledge and stimulating interguild relationships!
Rank structure and carreers
0. Fresh blood will find the Raven Council either by recommendation from a member or by direct request from the player involved. In both circumstances prospects are asked to make a post about themselves at our forum in which they describe who they are, why they want to join our guild and what they expect from it. The officers and councillors will discuss these applications amongst themselves, before one of them contacts the prospect.
1. All new players will start with the Raven Council as an initiate. This will give both you and the guild time to get to know each other and determine if we suit each other.
2. After time - this can vary a lot, and by itself is no indicator - you may be promoted to member or we may propose that some other guild will suit you better. From all our members we expect that they will take the guild rules by heart and that they will represent our guild to the best of their abilities. Following the nature of our guild you do need to be at least level 30 and to be registred at our forum before you can be promoted from initiate to member.
3. We will raise the more cooperative and engaging members (who really contribute to our social cohesiveness) in time to the honorary title of senior member. This will not give you any special rights, but is a mark of distinction we would like to extend to members who's actions we really appreciate. This rank can only be attained from level 45 and up.
4. Raven Council as a guild needs members who will devote a substantial piece of their time to the guild and for this purpose a few of the members will be asked to take care of special needs (for example: the coordination of raids, forging alliances, taking care of RP-events, guarding our treasures in the guildbank and so on). With these responsibilities come the rank of officer. Officers will be able to recruit, to write the GMotD and to use the /officer channel as well. This rank can only be attained from level 50 and up.
5. As a mark of distinction one or two officers may be promoted to senior officer. Besides all responsibilities and rights of an officer, the senior officer is able to take disciplinary actions as well (all the way up to the banishment of misbehaving members). This rank can only be attained from level 60 and up.
6. The ultimate rank within the Raven Council is councillor, and by the nature of this rank it will be a select few who can attain it. Although only councillors can promote and demote members to different ranks, the Raven Council is actually governed by the collective of councillors and (senior) officers. The founding fathers of the guild are high councillor by default until they decide to step down.
Only main characters can rise through the ranks in the Raven Council. Be assured however that you can develop some alternative characters as well! For this we have the rank of fellow for all the alts. It is required however that you make a note in the social pane of the game, so that it is clear to which main character an alt - or fellow as we like to say - is connected.
To keep the guild fresh and active we will remove players who haven't been active for a long time and who didn't give prior notice of their absence.
This means that we will /gkick initiates who haven't logged in for more then 4 weeks (either with their main or with an alternative character). For members we will show more leniency, but eventually a truly inactive character will be removed from the guildroster.