Warcraft skills save life of norwegian children

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Posts: 4056
Character name: Zarhan

Warcraft skills save life of norwegian children

Post by Zarhan » 07 Dec 2007, 16:31

Ok...this is just WEIRD..

http://torillsin.blogspot.com/2007/11/f ... works.html

Basically, a 12-year-old boy and his sister where on their way to school, when an angry moose "aggroed" them instantly. When the sister started running away, the boy started yelling at the moose, taunting it to come after him instead. Then he started running, but not fast enough- the moose caught up with him. The backpack he had softened the blow enough not to kill him, but thinking fast, he decided to Feign Death. Moose wandered off.

(Originally picked this up from http://plaza.fi/edome/uutiset/world-of- ... ton-hengen - in Finnish, and then tried to find a source in English...)

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Location: Finland

Post by Elhaz » 07 Dec 2007, 17:23

Uhh... And I have always thought playing this game is just wate of time! Some of those Finnish comments made me lost my belief in humanity completely, though...
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.

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