Tabula Rasa

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Tabula Rasa

Post by Celsan » 14 Oct 2007, 20:13

I haven't seen that much about this as I tend to not have interest in things until they are pretty polished and finished. Seems as though this one could be worth looking into as it's supposedly got Richard Garriot behind it (aka Lord British who did the Ultima series through to Ultima Online) with delivery by NCSoft who know their apples from their oranges as well (aka Guild Wars, City of Heroes and many others).

Anyone else know much about this one? I know many of you are into beta's etc. so I'm guessing one of you may have already tried it.

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Post by Zarhan » 14 Oct 2007, 21:45

No, but as a long-time Ultima-fan (Still think VI is best in the series, too bad they botched IX - the original plot was *so* much better), I better start looking into it.

(Waiting for my plane in LHR...Glad of the wireless LAN..and a laptop loaded with the fourth season of LEXX).

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Post by Alikh » 14 Oct 2007, 22:10

Was enjoying myself in the tabula rasa beta for a bit, but it's just an action game mostly. Lots of shooting. The tabulae were nice though, you had to go to caves to get the tabula and then you could do new tricks when you combined them.

Nothing deep though, so I don't think I'd play it for long.

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