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Re: Driver's license

Posted: 30 Oct 2008, 13:08
by Zarhan
Yep, they are releasing all the old comings for free now. I own almost all of them anyway so not paid too much attention.

Re: Driver's license

Posted: 30 Oct 2008, 14:12
by Souvraya
I have many of them, but they stopped producing the big books before my collection was complete. So thus I pick up the slack online. :)

Re: Driver's license

Posted: 30 Oct 2008, 14:15
by Zarhan
I have Hidden Years and Shards of the main storylines. After that it pretty much split...the "Anthology" stuff that was last was really only interesting for Ember's crowd and Rayeks stuff - but those storylines really never got finished.

Re: Driver's license

Posted: 30 Oct 2008, 14:23
by Souvraya
True. I do wish they'd continue the Wavedancers storyline. I want to know what happens with the one who gets captured by the humans...

Re: Driver's license

Posted: 30 Oct 2008, 14:24
by Jaera
i preferred the flying discussion!

Re: Driver's license

Posted: 30 Oct 2008, 14:41
by Kalitari
Souvraya wrote:
wolfcradle wrote:Completely off the topic, but glad to see someone else who likes ElfQuest ;)
Hehe. I'm at times a bit obsessed with ElfQuest. To my great joy, I found a good portion of the story online on ElfQuest's official homepage. It's so strange to read it in colour... Almost all of the books I have is black/white...
I have it the opposite way around... Way way back in time (maybe 15 years ago?) I gathered myself the first two storylines in thick A4-size full-color books. Never read them in B&W.

Re: Names of cars and other stuff

Posted: 30 Oct 2008, 15:08
by Souvraya
Got them in thick A4 books as well (Warp Comics' release, I think), but most of them were B&W, allegedly because the Pinis were saving money to finance a movie. Did read yesterday or the day before that Warner Bros now have started on an EQ movie, btw. I do hope it'll go through this time, and that I can get my hands on it...

Re: Names of cars and other stuff

Posted: 30 Oct 2008, 21:36
by annacska
i preferred the flying discussion!
well start a topic on flying then, this one is about us weird ppl naming our cars, pc's and whatnot :D

ontopic - I'm pretty bad w names generally. Dunno why but it's a real pain to come up w some interesting name. My car is named Jake just because the license plate has JKE on it, so it made me think of that name lol. Apart from that, I hardly ever feel tempted to name stuff around me, since names don't come that easy.

Re: Names of cars and other stuff

Posted: 30 Oct 2008, 21:42
by Jaera
annacska wrote:
i preferred the flying discussion!
well start a topic on flying then, this one is about us weird ppl naming our cars, pc's and whatnot :D

ontopic - I'm pretty bad w names generally. Dunno why but it's a real pain to come up w some interesting name. My car is named Jake just because the license plate has JKE on it, so it made me think of that name lol. Apart from that, I hardly ever feel tempted to name stuff around me, since names don't come that easy.
when i wrote that it was all in the same topic till some random person split it up :P

Re: Names of cars and other stuff

Posted: 31 Oct 2008, 17:53
by annacska
It was Kolos, in case you were wondering, and it's his right since we deviated from the happy event of him obtaining the driver's license :D
But I guess you can still make your own topic on flying, since you're still not in the right place :P

Re: Names of cars and other stuff

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 16:51
by annacska
Ok, I'm getting myself a new mp3 player to spare my phone, and I think I'm gonna consider it a soulstone because of the color ^^ (it's the purple one)
Not precisely a name, but more of a nickname. Just to make sure I'm protected if some undead suddenly appears from the shadows and tries to gank me while I'm at uni, totally unprepared to exorcise him :P

Re: Names of cars and other stuff

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 20:31
by Jaera
annacska wrote:It was Kolos, in case you were wondering, and it's his right since we deviated from the happy event of him obtaining the driver's license :D
But I guess you can still make your own topic on flying, since you're still not in the right place :P
no point, noone likes talking about flying here :(

and i know who split it, no need to be ms moderator :P

Re: Names of cars and other stuff

Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 02:08
by Tasha
Everyone needs a soulstone just in case of one of those 'Undead attacks Campus' events ;-)

I was'ne named after the car btw, although the Hoff is awesome. When I came to England there was another Katherine in my group of friends so they thought it would be funny to have a Kit and a Kat.


Om nom nom.

My lappy is called Kitten, cos I like cats. Deep right?