A list of roles in a group and some questions about it

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Post by Guest » 05 Jan 2007, 14:53

I don't know much about endgame, but paladins are fairly solid tanks at the moment, I'd say above druids, maybe not feral druids though. But SoC with 50% extra holy aggro is insane, and now we have that 3-mob taunt and we gain mana when healed, I'd say we are swiftly becoming pretty handy tanks.


Re: A list of roles in a group and some questions about it

Post by Cassini » 03 Feb 2007, 14:28

Pelagia Alynis wrote:TANKS

1. Protection Warrior
2. Warrior
3. Feral Druid
4. Holy/Protection Paladin
5. Druid
6. Paladin
I may have just been lucky with the druids I have partied with, but I would put feral druids at equal to a protection warrior, certainly above an offtank specced warrior. Most of the druids I have partied with have proven themsleves to be excellent tanks, often better than the warriors I have seen in action.
Pelagia Alynis wrote:DPS

1. Mage
2. Rogue
3. Hunter
4. Warlock
5. Druid (where does a cat druid fit in these lines?)
Hunters?! Really? :lol: They suck at sustained dps, although admittedly their burst is pretty good. Here is what I think:

Mage / Rogue
Fury Warrior / Shadow Priest
Lock / Druid

Mage / Rogue depending on instance - mages better against multiple target obviously, but spend some time on decursing duty for cetain boss encounters.

Fury Warior / Shadow Priest - Shadow priests (me!) rule at dps. They do quite a lot themsleves (on the rare occassion I manage to 5 man as shadow I am pretty much always top of meters) but add in the bonus to any locks that are in the group, and the fact that they are constantly offhealing then they are pretty awesome. They can also restore party mana since tbc the same way as they heal. Combine with the ability to drop out of shadow form to heal / decurse etc then it's worth getting them along. DPS warriors are just sick, but need a lot of love and hugs to keep them from dying.

Lock / Druid - I have seen these do well in damage meters on many raids, and on occasion beat mages. Druids just seem to have been buffed unbelievable amounts in most areas since tbc. They can sure hit you hard.
Pelagia Alynis wrote:PULLERS

1. Hunter
2. Tank
Can't argue here ... in instances then if you have a hunter in the group use him. If not then use the tank. In raids you wil always have a hunter pulling.
Pelagia Alynis wrote:HEALERS

1. Holy Priest
2. Resto Druid
3. Priest
4. Druid
5. Paladin
Again, no arguments here.

As shadow here is the set up of my favourite 5 man instance run:

Warrior to tank
Druid to heal
Me as shadow for imbaness :P
Rogue for dps and cc
Second Rogue for more dps and cc :D

As shadow priest I can pretty much keep the two rogues at full health on my own, leaving the druid free to make sure the warrior is always alive :)

This ofcourse means I keep all cloth drops +spell damage items that drop :D

As healer my not so selfish ideal group is:

Me to heal
Druid to tank
Rogue for dps and cc
Mage for dps and cc
Hunter to pull (and nice pet to offtank)

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Re: A list of roles in a group and some questions about it

Post by Zarhan » 03 Feb 2007, 15:25

Themrs wrote: Hunters?! Really? :lol: They suck at sustained dps, although admittedly their burst is pretty good. Here is what I think:
Actually, hunters are pretty much free DPS. They can reset their aggro whenever they wish. Also, the new aspect of the viper combined with steady shot makes that "burst" quite long.

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Post by Jaera » 25 Sep 2007, 22:21

*casts res on this topic*

hey! dps list that doesnt have shadow priests in it!

and shadow priest can heal fine in any non heroic/raid instance

and i love khilas remark on page one about lock roles 'rezzing' lol you call one ss rezzing?! :P once every three days or whatever :P


edit-- stupid forum i did not say kek

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Post by Alikh » 26 Sep 2007, 01:17

Well, locks are support so that if there's a wipe, a rezzer gets rezzed by the soulstone. It is a hell of a lot better rez than priests or paladins can do.

So what if it rezzes only one? It's the most important rez of all the rezzes if you don't want to corpse run a mile.

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Post by Zarhan » 26 Sep 2007, 09:16

...but shammies can rezz EVERYBODY including themselves. Who needs locks :)

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Post by Alikh » 26 Sep 2007, 09:34

I'm leveling a shammy (somewhat :P).

And the question is more, why would the locks and shammies need hunters? We can rez ourselves and dps and heal. All we need is a tank and we're golden. :P

Seriously though, I think the SS is more useful than the shammy selfrez, since the SS will always be on a rezzer anyway and you can make a choice who that's going to be, other than it always being the shammy. We just need shammies for their totems.

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Post by Jaera » 26 Sep 2007, 10:25

all you need is 40 shadow priests and any boss is a cake walk

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Post by Alikh » 26 Sep 2007, 10:49

True, didn't roll a 70 priest for nothing :P.
Maybe I should change my username to Astra so people don't automatically think I represent just warlocks.

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Post by Jaera » 26 Sep 2007, 10:54

khila wrote:True, didn't roll a 70 priest for nothing :P.
Maybe I should change my username to Astra so people don't automatically think I represent just warlocks.
but then ppl will think you just represent priests! like me! :P

and 40 holy priests would be a nice fight to watch, like 2 million mendings moving around

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Post by Zarhan » 26 Sep 2007, 11:01

khila wrote: And the question is more, why would the locks and shammies need hunters?
They don't, and yes, I hate Blizz for turning hunters from reliable constant-DPS (that can keep on going long after mages have ran out of mana) to a bare support class that can occasionally play around with misdirection (and rezz with FD+cables!).

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Post by Jaera » 26 Sep 2007, 11:09

Zarhan wrote:
khila wrote: And the question is more, why would the locks and shammies need hunters?
They don't, and yes, I hate Blizz for turning hunters from reliable constant-DPS (that can keep on going long after mages have ran out of mana) to a bare support class that can occasionally play around with misdirection (and rezz with FD+cables!).
try being me :P

i run out of mana far before mages :(

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Post by Zarhan » 26 Sep 2007, 11:13

I guess part of the reason is that in the old days hunters really could just switch on autoshot and go brew some coffee :)

Downside is that there is really no difference with any mana-using class, except that hunters run out of it faster. Yes, we can FD + drink though - and patch 2.2 changed aspect of the viper to give much more mana regen than before. So maybe things are getting better...

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Post by Alikh » 26 Sep 2007, 11:50

Zarhan wrote:
khila wrote: And the question is more, why would the locks and shammies need hunters?
They don't, and yes, I hate Blizz for turning hunters from reliable constant-DPS (that can keep on going long after mages have ran out of mana) to a bare support class that can occasionally play around with misdirection (and rezz with FD+cables!).
Know what Khila should do? Get engineering up to cables, then SS myself and use the cables on a rezzer when we wipe. :P

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