Marki left :(

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Marki left :(

Post by marki » 05 May 2015, 11:26

Hi all,
As most will see I have left the guild! I just wanted to explane my self a little more than just saying bye!
If I am honest I felt lost among the guild so many ppl so much going on I just felt lost, Coming form a guild I've ran with help of others for over 9 years I just felt I was having trouble addapting to the guild! I havnt even had chance to raid with any of you guys which makes me prity sad considering I've had the change but just not the time! I would just like to thank you all for accepting me into your guild and giving me the time you all have, Weather that being just a chat or some kinda help, But most of all I will thank you all for my short stay and for making me feel as welcome as could be :), I'm Very sorry for letting you all down and although I've only been there maybe 5 weeks? I feel real sad I've left so that says something about you all :) again a BIG thank you and a BIG sorry,

Jimmbles I just seen big Wabbit I think it was a sign? :P

Guys a massive Good luck in your progress and I wish you all the very best see you around I hope, but farewell from me :|
Marki :) x

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Re: Marki left :(

Post by Jimmble » 05 May 2015, 12:07


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Re: Marki left :(

Post by Bowick » 05 May 2015, 14:57

Poor bunny..
Good luck with your travels Marki!
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

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