MH17 propaganda

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MH17 propaganda

Post by Alikh » 28 Jul 2014, 10:39

Just wanted to share this, because it might shed some light on how propaganda works and how easily people are swayed: ... diers.html ... perverted/ ... _neighbour

I find it quite perverse how political forces are abusing the deaths of almost 300 civilians who were not involved.

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Re: MH17 propaganda

Post by Zarhan » 28 Jul 2014, 12:33

Jon stewart also had his take: ... in-the-air

(Youtube version with ugly overlay at )

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Re: MH17 propaganda

Post by Stukov » 04 Aug 2014, 08:44

I find it quite futile to try and find out who actually did shoot the plane down...
You have a warzone, people, armed people, and then one of the sides kills a bunch of
civilians to frame the other side.. or try to anyway. All this is very sad.

Watched the youtube vid you linked out of curiousity, as Im the native speaker and stuff...
The guy obviously points fingers at the ukrainian... "non-rebels" and says the that no man-portable air-defense missile systems can shoot a plane down at 11 km. Well - not enough reason to frame
him on the photos like in those other links...
Pretty disgusting, all of it...

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Re: MH17 propaganda

Post by Alikh » 04 Aug 2014, 09:11

Even though he might be just accusing others as well, the picture they took of him was interpreted as separatist soldiers pillaging and looting even the toys of children. Ofcourse at least in the vid he had no such intention, but media abused the picture blatantly putting that thought into people's minds. Most of the conflict might just be people not understanding and others making use of that for their own agendas.

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(Neinharth, Bärnhart, Neinwald)
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Re: MH17 propaganda

Post by Senbon » 06 Aug 2014, 08:55

Obviously each side is accusing the other. We wont get anywhere with that kind of reaction because in the end i think just some little giving in from both sides could have ended the conflict months ago.

Not so much different from lets say Gaza-Israel conflict. They just flexing muscels at each other in an attempt to get the upper hand. Why? Coz in the end both will say its their land and dooming the other party as irrelevant. Noone wants to look weak and thats why people die everyday over nothing. :(

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