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Posts: 4056
Character name: Zarhan


Post by Zarhan » 07 Feb 2009, 12:45

Ok...this is more pointed for the Finns in guild, but anyway:


IRCQuotes is basically finnish version of http://bash.org - random ramblings.

Anyway, rough translation with ton of expletives and language-specific quirks deleted:

Yesterday at ABC [A gas station-chain], some korean couple - husband, wife, small child (like 2 months old), and lots of odds and ends with them when sitting at table.
Then, the father yanks out a laptop and starts working - we didn't see what it was about since the screen was pointing away. Then, as a joke, I just commented "Probably playing WoW"....
...and yes, They were. Mom is taking care of the kid, dad playing WoW. They stayed like 2 hours...and were still there when we left.

Well, Internet-myth knowledge, but still :) Koreans are crazy :)

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